"All right, all right!" Teacher Yu comforted, "Everyone should be happy that they have been promoted to a higher institution of learning. Let’s wish them a bright future together."

When we got to Mr. Shijie’s place, we were still talking about the risks of solitary bamboo, warships and roads "Teacher Shijie" was asked, "Why don’t we go with Gu Zhujun?" "What good will it do us to go with him?" Shijie asked, "Do you expect his 1,000 troops to protect us? The solitary bamboo …

Turn a circle full zhong is out of the city, Chen yi doubt quietly followed.

Until Man Zhong came out of a manor outside the city and walked back, Chen Yi finally couldn’t help it. "Brother Zhong, what’s wrong with you? What did you do just now? " Chen yi cried Man Zhong suddenly looked up and looked horrified. "Brother Zhong, what’s the matter with you?" Chen yi cried again …

"Don’t worry about so much now, it depends on whether the demon race can stop the fiend clan attack. If it can resist the fiend clan attack, both sides will be in a state of balance. If the demon race can’t stop the fiend clan attack," Tai Dou’s godfather stared at the large array of stars in the heavens and kept spying on the secrets of the demon race.

"If we can’t stop the fiend clan attack, we will also help to suppress the fiend clan. We can’t call the fiend clan dominant." The Taiping ancestor clenched the imperial map. "And they were afraid that our hand may not be the giant’s enemy." It’s too easy to teach our ancestors a wry smile. "Hung-chun …

Yang You nodded and said, "Although Pyongyang is attacking, the imperial city is said to be very strong. I think it should be able to attack the imperial city in two days!" Yang You refers to the fact that Gao Jianwu did not leave the city. If Gao Jianwu just walked out of Pyongyang before Sui Jun entered Pyongyang, he would be beheaded by Hou Jun.

If that’s the case, it won’t take Sui Jun two days to wipe out Pyongyang by taking the root of Pyongyang. "Although attacking the imperial city, it doesn’t mean that everything is fine. The real enemy is still in the north!" Du Ruhui smoothed her beard and smiled. He was also very happy that things …

The prime minister left them in the prime minister’s house after learning the purpose of their visit.

On the other side, Guo Xiangma asked someone to inform Lingyun. Guo Xiang’s heart, Bai Lingyun’s soldiers have definitely exceeded the limit. If you don’t show off, no one will care. But now that Zhou Yong wants to be in charge, if he wants Lingyun not to be caught, he will inform Lingyun to get …

Xingping sent his sixth elf, a strong Nidoking, who hoped to fight for the last time.

Longye understood Xingping’s belief and wanted to send Tauros to fight. He changed his original plan. Since it is the last battle, of course, the strongest elf will be enough. "Come out, Scorpio!" Longye shouted to release Scorpion King. This is the first time that Scorpion King appeared in the league meeting. No matter who …

I didn’t inform Gai Yi Zuo Tangtang in the game private chat, so I sent it directly.

As soon as I entered Gai Channel, I heard her laugh abnormally. Zuo Tangtang quickly turned down the stereo. It’s still a ghost movie at night! Before Zuo Tangtang could see what had happened, he heard a Nainan say, "Gai! You calm down! " "Ha ha! Husband! Do you think this is true? " "Uh-huh …

"Hurry up and find a police station and someone will catch you. Don’t stop!" Liu Yi said, "Don’t call the police. Go directly to the police station. Call me when you arrive. I’ll have someone protect you from flying back to Beijing!"

Lin asked, "What’s the matter?" Liu Yi said, "I’ll explain when you come back. Go and find a police station and hide!" "good!" Lin is not a fool. It must be something wrong with Liu Yi. He hung up and thought about it. He got into a path and muted his mobile phone while walking. …