I’ll spend it with you.

My good brother
You say to me that you are bitter in your heart
Life seldom rises and falls.
Still have to live a strong life
Crying and laughing too little, you still have me. "
Sing here suluo stopped to lift the bottle "for you this month.
The trouble to you "and then gulp thump thump.
Then hysterically shouted
"Friendship is higher than the sky and wider than the earth.
We will certainly remember those years.
Friendship is the most rare thing in our life.
Like a glass of wine like an old song. "
The activity room was boiling, and the wine bottle was lifted and gulped down.
Palm coax China and the Soviet Union to drop knives and hug them one by one.
"Come and see us often."
"Have another drink"
"Frank hahaha"
Until the whole activity room, few people can get steady and dark. They have been lying in the dark for a long time, fighting and drinking. It’s really not so good. The old horse is not much better. It’s nothing to stagger with suluo and talk about it.
Raise your glass, take a sip, despise it, get drunk into mud, and still shout, "Old Beijing is not drunk, don’t continue" knife.
Take another look at suluo, who is still talking drunkenly with the old horse. How can he not love you with a sudden grin, my good brother?
Chapter one hundred and seventy Exile and return home
In the evening, a green camouflage car, the lacquered army off-road vehicle, slowly got out of the regimental headquarters car driver and co-pilot or those two familiar burly soldiers, suluo and a knife, or a suit of alcohol.
The co-pilot soldier couldn’t help looking back frequently. He really wanted to talk to suluo, but both of them drank too much and fell asleep directly after this car.
Head’s office
"Come in"
Seven company commanders opened the door and stood at attention, then made a ceremony of "Please give instructions".
Head to let go glanced at seven company commander, a suit of alcohol to see sample also didn’t drink less.
"What’s the instruction?" The head waved and then asked, "Send it away."
"Oh, those two drunken cats lost their cars and sent them away." The company commander grinned.
"Oh, it’s good to go." The head got up and stretched himself and went to the window to draw the curtains. A bunch of sunset was projected in, which was a little dazzling.
Push the window and look out. There are no people swinging on the road outside. There is no scenery to see.
"Those two stooges don’t leave. I’ll give them a fight as a colonel."
Seven company commander hey hey smiled. "Isn’t that right? Now those two people in this company are more talkative than me, so that my group of tips are crooked. Now they are a group of soldiers of fortune."
Head back and caught a glimpse of the seven company commander "are you still proud of such a shameful thing?"
"Ha ha is the proud" seven company commander scratched his head and laughed.
"Now what do you think of these two people? Give me an evaluation so that I can report to the Prime Minister."
"The report, er, a person who looks at a muddled heart is actually very transparent and acts quite well. It’s just that he likes to pretend to be a little wiser than a fool. How can I put it in another sentence?" The company commander scratched his head and followed the colonel to look at the street outside and was a little distracted and murmured, "I can’t see through it, but he is like a pearl on the beach. If the sun dissipates, generate will shine brilliantly, so that people can’t hide anywhere."
"Gee, the evaluation is quite high. A month ago, who was dying to live clamoring for these two people?" The head scoffed at "Do you have a cigarette?"
The company commander touched his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes to the head of the regiment and said, "Hey, hey, talents are talents, but they are not soldiers. If I have to choose again, I still don’t want them."
"Nonsense, people are not here to be soldiers." The head vomitted an one mouthful smoke and laughed. "The Prime Minister told us to transform these two stooges well, and the result was that they first transformed our barracks and brought up a bad style chicken to fly a dog to jump every day. How to tell the Prime Minister?"
"What’s so hard about this? Just send the Prime Minister a video of last night’s song without saying anything." The company commander helped to advise.
"Well, that’s a good idea. Let’s do it. By the way, suluo left us a big gift. Here are excellent military songs. You can run a leg and take them to the group newspaper for publication later."
"suluo should be at the concert again at this time at ordinary times. It seems a little unaccustomed to the fact that these two stooges are missing in this barracks."
Colonel looked at the sunset murmured
Prime minister’s office
The desk papers are piled up into mountains, and the work here is never finished. The Prime Minister suddenly remembered what stopped and asked
"By the way, what happened to those two smelly kids now? Are they almost out?"
"It’s the Prime Minister who came out today. The troops there have reported to me and sent you a video. Aren’t you busy all day? I haven’t told you. Why don’t I transfer it to you now and take a rest?" The secret around me hurriedly replied.
After watching the video with a smile, the Prime Minister sighed, "It’s a good song to love my China. These two little ruffians are still a frivolous person. They are not serious. It’s really right for Zhang Lao."
"Ha ha, after all, it’s an old disciple. Master Zhang still knows him better." The big secret also said with a smile.

At this time, the world is full of grievances, and worldly desires’s vertical and horizontal monty rages and breeds magic.

When Yu Duxiu carefully explored the world, suddenly there was a quiver and a loud noise all over the world, and earth-shattering qi qi appeared in the world.
"The lock demon tower is broken." Jade Duxiu’s sullen palm stretched out seven gourd dolls, and the size of rice grains was grasped by Jade Duxiu. "What happened to the lock demon tower? How can it be broken? "
Huluwa shook her head qi qi to show that she didn’t know.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes scanned Daqian and slowly boarded the Kunlun Mountain. Looking at the whistling and cheering, the sullen "I don’t know if I can slay the immortal with this one thousand percent dzogchen providence like a knife."
"Hung-chun, come out."
"I am too easy to return, too easy to be a brother?"
"I’m too fighting back, too fighting brother?"
"I came back safely, Hongjun, and you came out to see me."
The ancestors roared in the sky.
"Hung-chun, you come out and make things clear. Did Brocade wronged you?" Fox God’s sound resounded all over the world.
"Hung-chun, this time you’re dead. Sirs, the strong will come back from fate and see if you can cope with it." Twelve fiends laugh wildly.
At this moment, the younger brothers of the nine clans are very happy. Since the godfather was exiled, the younger brothers of the nine clans have suffered indignities day and night, and they are generally left unattended and unloved without parents and children.
At this time, I saw nine religious ancestors and immediately burst into tears.
"I’ll meet my godfather." My brothers knelt down and cried.
"It’s too cruel to teach the ancestors to deceive others!"
"Ask the ancestors to kill the nine sects of Taoism."
Several younger brothers cried and asked for help, scaring the dry sky to become so crazy. There are three strong men, Tai Yi, Tai Dou and Taiping, who are detached. Don’t say that even if he is the ghost master, he must definitely avoid the edge.
The ancestors took a gloomy look at the dry day, saying, "Don’t cry, there are still big things to be solved, and we’ll talk about them later."
Sirs demon gods turned to heaven and became dumbfounded.
At this time, the demon clan was in a mess, and the gods of all walks of life had already risen for three thousand years.
Looking at the stars and gods, the heart of the demon gods is cold
"Good trouble this time" Jade bodhi old zu in distress situation "Your ya incredibly seal bodhi old zu me or bodhi old zu I give you a hand"
"Hung-chun, don’t fight hard or avoid sharp edges!" Ups and downs in cold chaos
"Snake God, you finally came back." Worm God greeted the snake god, and his eyes were full of hearts.
"Alas, it was a mistake in ancient times, and I will make it up to you twice in the future." Snake God wry smile.
"You’re finally willing to admit your mistake and bow your head." Tears in God’s eyes turned and threw themselves into God’s arms.
"Snow", the snake god’s palm pierces the insect god’s body and will tear "Bitch, you die for me"
"Bastard, you let me go." Worm God twisted his face and struggled wildly.
The "seal" snake god struggled in the face but did not move slowly in his hands, and the fine rune was instantly derived.
A fury resounded through the world, and Jade Duxiu read and manipulated the black lotus to instantly control the snake god. All thoughts of the snake god were read one by one, which hit the insect god hard.
"Stop him." The strong men were horrified when they saw this scene.
"Hey!" Seeing things, you can’t let the snake god disappear in an instant.
"How can the snake god be like this?" Too dou godfather doubt way
"It must be hung-chun’s trick. This guy is a terrible means." The ghost Lord said sullenly.
"What a bug god! What a brocade scale! Now there is an opponent! I don’t know if the three Long Junjin scales will have equal combat power. "Jade Duxiu stroked the stupid Meng." Now is the best time to fight to the death. It’s a pity that I haven’t finished breeding in five days, and I may not be able to suppress all beings and cheat death once. When I gather in five days, I will be called your floating corpse. "
"I will gather five parties for five days and the last day of this war."
The blue sky belongs to the water to nourish all beings, the yellow sky belongs to the earth to bury all things, the sky is full of stars, the sun and the moon are ups and downs, and the red god, fire, gods cast and purify the world and burn everything. On the fifth day, the gold Lord killed the heavens and the world, killing the strong and fighting spirit.
"Five parties gathered in this World War I for five days to wait for my return from fate is a war of extinction." Jade Duxiu looked at Kunlun Mountain and shouted and drank the strong angry fiend, Jade Duxiu roared and shook the stars.
"Hung-chun is so heroic. This is a declaration of war on the heavens and the earth." Listening to the roaring of Kunlun Mountain, the fox god suddenly changed his face.
"I’m ready to go to the Kunlun Mountain for the first world war". Twelve fiends instantly rose to the sky and took the lead towards the Kunlun Mountain.
In the void, Jade Duxiu bears his hands and is in high spirits. "My Jade Duxiu has been swallowing up since its birth, that is, it has risen today."
"Hung-chun, you’re insane, and you want to suppress our department. Hello, malicious calculation." Jin scale shakes Kunlun and accuses Yu Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu kept silent. It’s too easy for the ancestor to come to Jade Duxiu. A pair of eyes looked at Jade Duxiu and sighed deeply. "Is it true?" Your ambition? "
"It’s not my ambition but God’s will." Jade Duxiu scanned the crowd. "What does he say? What if it’s not? It’s not the first time to do a broken seat. I’m used to it. "
"Hung-chun, you’ve gone too far this time. Is a woman worth it?" Tai Dou’s ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu and was angry.
"How do you know if it’s worth it if you haven’t done it!" Jade Duxiu smiled.

After the order was announced, most of the soldiers had no idea. After all, including the teacher Yip Han, ten people have been transformed for half a year, and ten people are alive and kicking. No matter what training programs are among the best, there are not many soldiers who reject cell fusion.

Veterans who belonged to the first division can’t wait for them to have the most contact with aliens, and they know the battlefield outside the earth best and know clearly how important it is to have a good posture outside the earth.
However, the vast majority does not mean that all people and some people really reject cell fusion, and soon some people will take the initiative to volunteer to transfer from the healthy teacher.
Hearing the news, Yip Han was not well. Although he was not long when he was founded, he experienced a lot of wars. No matter how urgent and dangerous it was, his first thought was to drop the teacher.
What is this? This is honor, which is the soul of the army from the blood and life of generations of officers and men in the marine corps era!
Self-contained troops have always been so crowded that they can’t get into places where they can’t get in.
But one cell fusion scared off so many people? Isn’t this a joke?
Yip hon spirit not dozen 1 come to personally put the officers and men who want to be transferred together and punch a hole. Boy, there is a whole platoon with a turn!
This yip hon is angry and angry, pointing to the queue, but striding to the side without saying a word, calling several battalion commanders to the front and yelling at them. "What’s going on with you? Is that how you give me troops? Isn’t it a transformation? I’ve changed as a teacher. What are you afraid of? Look at you bears! "
Depressed head battalion commander hurriedly hold your head high all looked at yip hon with a face of serious.
"What’s going on after all?"
A few people, look at me. I’ll look at you. Nobody will speak first.
Yip hon more angry, pointing to xiaoyuan roar "Chou what Chou you say first!"
"Yes!" Xiaoyuan hurriedly made it right. "I have already learned about the report teachers. The burden is mainly … mainly …"
"Are you taking the wrong medicine? Stuttering about what? " Yip hon angry eyes stare bigger than a cow bell.
Xiaoyuan’s face smoked and whispered, "The main reason is that I am not married, have no family and are more unified soldiers."
Ye Han was puzzled for a while. "What is the fusion of cells without marriage and children?"
"They say that cell fusion is to add animal genes to human genes after fusion … then what is not normal in terms of genes? Doing so is to change the genes inherited from parents, and having children in the future is not a true offspring. If you die because of this, you will be ashamed to see your ancestors."
Yip hon breath suppress chest almost didn’t suppress the injury.
He thought about many reasons, but he never thought that this was the reason why soldiers rejected cells.
Chinese people have always respected the idea of patriarchal clan, which has a very long history. Even if the public’s thinking has changed in recent decades, many people still say one thing in secret and another. It is better for a boy to rack his brains to have more children. Some students can’t be born, so simply spend money to buy a boy to raise.
When Ye Han was a recruit, I had a chance to hear from a veteran that when he was a child, a boy and a girl there were bullied by children at a price of 3,000 yards.
At that time, Yip Han was very shocked. He never thought that there was such a thing in today’s society, which is evident from the rampant human trafficking.
But why is human trafficking so rampant? Isn’t it because of the huge and prosperous buyer’s market?
Many years have passed, and the past has already been buried in the depths of Yip Han’s heart. I didn’t expect that Yip Han didn’t know what to say because of such a thing today.
Are the soldiers wrong? There is indeed; Is it unreasonable for soldiers to worry? Of course there is!
Because cell fusion is indeed a genetic level, the original DNA has indeed changed. From a genetic point of view, the person after cell fusion is really no longer the original person!
He couldn’t help thinking about his two children. How should they get married and have children in the future?
However, he soon thought that maybe cell fusion has changed the genes to some extent, but most of the genes still come from him and Bai Xiaoting, not just any cat, dog, even if he is a little uncomfortable, it is not a serious problem.
Of course, it’s not serious for him, but for some people, it’s a big deal, even if you give up your future and everything, you have to ensure pure blood.
In fact, everyone is in vain. The other thing is to be in the cold. It can’t be said that you will turn over from now on, but your military resume will definitely leave a big stain. The chance of turning over is very slim.
With so many people coming out in this situation, it is conceivable that they value bloodline so much.
There must be many people in the army who value bloodline as much as they do, and they dare not come out because of the serious consequences of resisting orders.
These people may be hidden dangers in the team!
Xiaoyuan see yip hon suddenly silent heart quietly relieved tentatively asked "teachers you see this thing …"
Yip hon sighed, "I know all about the transfer, and put it on hold for a while … you go back and check how many people are worried about it. Make it clear that my name is Ye. It is said that there is no consequence in the investigation, and then report the results when you hurry."
"Teachers you this plan …"
Yip hon pendulum motioning with his hand, "I’m not going to wait until the results come out. I’ll discuss with you again, even if I’m transferred from the first division, don’t leave a stain. I can do so much as a teacher."
Everyone was silent, and Yip Han was so angry that he thought, "What are you still doing?"
Chapter 121 would have thought of it.
The officers dispersed and took away their respective soldiers. Luo jiaqi left Yip Han’s side. "Can the teacher head promise?" I think this time it’s not the same as before. It’s definitely not negotiable to say that. "
Yip hon sighed, "I still wake you up? Before putting aside, it must be voluntary. What is the reason for the direct command this time? "
Luo Qi’s eyes flashed. "Is there a big action?"
"Maybe," yip hon said. "Even if there is no action, cell fusion is the trend of the times. It is definitely the first wave for us to be soldiers with this need … Alas, Xiao Yuan said that my heart is messed up."
Luo jiaqi grinned and didn’t dare to speak. He can’t just summer-plant.
"All right, you go home first." Yip hon glanced at the queue where there were several soldiers belonging to the guard camp and two veterans who had fought side by side with Yip hon at the Battle of Jupiter.

Beautiful as soon as possible, like water flowing for years, the peony pavilion is adapted to dream of visiting the park. "

The hostess interrupted with a big move, and suddenly the whole world was not good.
What always comes to an abrupt end at this time? Chen Jing, classmate, why do you interrupt? Oh, my God, what?
We can’t just listen to the whole song.
As beautiful as a flower, how about after years?
You give me rough goods, and I will fight with you.
Suluo bowed his head and coughed. In fact, I just told you the name of the song. This reason is not acceptable.
Fans are in a little mood, so we have to appease our fans quickly. It’s still very good to appease our fans. After a transition, he becomes a janitor, singing a big sedan chair in the rehearsal room.
"Hug, hug, hug, hug a sister, her sedan chair."
Well, let master’s old man come out and sell it. Isn’t that settled? Nothing happened. There was another laugh in the cinema.
After a period of rehearsal, the four-person small group accepted the male and female host, and the thousand-fingered adults received an invitation to take a new band with them to Xiahan, and their acting skills were really good. I just wanted to take you two scum in my heart, but Wang was a little embarrassed to invite you to feel just right.
Thousand fingers adults are too cute.
Fans don’t know anything about Thousand Fingers. This is definitely going to take them to Comic Con to pretend to be forced.
Chapter two hundred and twenty-six Imperial Heaven and the band disbanded
After the foreshadowing, the film came to the first climax, the first show of the 25-dimensional band comic exhibition.
In front of the audience, the adults with a thousand fingers sucked powder, and the audience couldn’t help but be excited. The adults with a thousand fingers took the flying belt to force them to polish their eyes and wait for the performance.
In the comic-con, all four of them changed into S costumes. Beibei and Tata, two Luo Niang, were so cute that thousands of adults had white hair, black hair and high cold.
There are oil residue and Chen Jing who perform in folk bands instead of S, which makes all four of them a little careless.
There is also a small detail here. Oil residue knows that it is best to wear an S-suit for comic-con performances. It is very inappropriate to dress like this because Chen Jing compromised his conditions. In fact, he is very fond of being shown off.
There is no other domestic youth film, which is as vigorous as that. It is very beautiful to describe that the oil residue in the film and the love for Chen Jing are reflected in small details.
In the early stage of the film, the new group of Shantou Lin Jia and Jing Xue also appeared in the comic exhibition, playing the role of sg group in the comic exhibition, which ignited the frenzied atmosphere at the scene and made the cinema fans look bloody.
It’s the first time for Chen Jing to go to Comic Con, and he’s so excited that he looks like an adult who has never seen the world before.
After the sg group show, the scene was boiling in the film exhibition, and the second-yuan fans played a crazy atmosphere and reached a climax.
It was not so harmonious when it was the 25th Yuan band’s turn to perform on stage.
"Ah, the folk band."
"Why do you want to listen to this kind of thing in comic-con?"
"As soon as I listen to folk music, I want to burn incense."
This is the status quo of folk music. When I hear the word "yi ou", who still plays that thing now?
However, the name of Qianzhi’s adult is still very famous, and there are die-hard fans who show their support. Qianzhi’s adult did not exaggerate as originally, but whispered and spit out individual sg fans leaving to sign, which is enough.
On the one hand, the crazy sg group is fascinated, and on the other hand, the musical instrument moves backstage, and the audience yawns, but they are not interested in it.
And the mood of the audience in the cinema has also been aroused. What’s wrong with folk music? What do you know about mocking an egg? Give me a slap in the face.
The audience’s reaction at the film exhibition site made the hostess feel a little at a loss, and the oil residue took off her glasses and coat. Previously, the man was defeated and instantly turned into a handsome little fresh meat, which made people shine. Wow, you are so hot and handsome.
Small stage members make eye contact with each other and cheer them up.
Chen Jing picked up the dulcimer and bamboo oil residue, raised the drumstick, and zhongruan’s erhu and pipa all held down the string. The 25-dimensional band was ready to take a deep breath and then tacitly nodded and started work.
play several musical instruments together
Quick action with a knife
The notes seem to burst out in the instrument, and the passionate melody explodes in the ear like a silver pot.
The fans who participated in the comic exhibition in the film were dumbfounded.
The audience in the cinema were dumbfounded. Even if they were prepared enough, they knew that the 25-dimensional band in the movie was definitely going to make a big counterattack and want to show off, but they were still amazed and couldn’t stop.
Show you a face of blood
I can’t stand the feeling that my ears are really bursting and my blood is boiling all over.
Is this really our folk music?
He’s so cute.
When the camera cuts to the flying flag that says
"Even if we are weak, we don’t have partners."
Inexplicably moved and tearful.
No matter how cold it is, if we don’t pay attention to our partners, if we don’t give up, no matter how weak we are, we can flash until you are blind.
See now?
This is our energy.
The comic-con scene is crazy.
Two-dimensional fans are crazy about playing A.
The audience at the cinema is also crazy.
What the hell is this song? It’s so enjoyable.
Imperial heaven, of course.
The 25-yuan band was on fire. The video of the comic exhibition was madly forwarded by the Conservatory of Music. The barrage "90,000 assists" was out of control.
"Teacher Wang, do you know what dulcimer is now?"
Haha, do you know now?
The audience had a great time. It was awesome.
After the video of the 25-dimensional band comic show was on fire, Chen Jing felt that he had got up again and proved to the martial brother that the dulcimer was great, so he went to confess.
Cups and candles are paved with heart-shaped sogeum, and the melody of praise is like a lover’s lingering, affectionate and touching romance. Compared with honest and frank, Chen Jing once again attacked like a teacher and the oil residue silently watched in the corner.
It’s Wang Wen, the martial brother opposite, who seems to have failed more than honest and frank.
"mother egg silly fork"

"All right, all right!" Teacher Yu comforted, "Everyone should be happy that they have been promoted to a higher institution of learning. Let’s wish them a bright future together."

When we got to Mr. Shijie’s place, we were still talking about the risks of solitary bamboo, warships and roads
"Teacher Shijie" was asked, "Why don’t we go with Gu Zhujun?"
"What good will it do us to go with him?" Shijie asked, "Do you expect his 1,000 troops to protect us? The solitary bamboo kingdom ruled the north for more than 600 years, and the Rongdi War killed dozens of prisoners and countless Rongdi people hated the solitary bamboo king for a long time. "
"In his early years, his father Ding was attacked on his way back to Solitary Bamboo from Dayi Merchants, and nearly died. If Solitary Bamboo Jun went to Hajj, it might be safer to hide in a warship, but he insisted on making such a publicity about that luxurious building ship. Isn’t it a living target to walk in the river? If father and daughter of Solitary Bamboo Jun want to arrive safely, they have to rely on heaven to bless them. "
"Is Princess Motailing in danger?" I asked
Shijie pinched my jaw. "Why are you worried about your little lover, huh?"
All the girls except Xiaoqian laughed and I immediately blushed. "Who is her little lover?"
Shijie said, "Solitary Bamboo Jun will be harassed when he goes here. If Mo Tai Ling is honestly hiding in the cabin, it is not too dangerous, but I am afraid it is difficult to be frightened."
"The teacher" Xiaoqian asked, "Solitary Bamboo Jun’s fleet of 1000 people will be in danger, so it is not more dangerous for us to have ten people."
Shi Ji smiled, "Xiao Qian Gu Zhu Jun has a fleet of 1000 men, and the enemy will send 1000 troops to deal with him. If we are few, the goal will be small. Even if we attract the attention of the enemy, we will face the enemy much less and get away more easily. What are you afraid of when we have a teacher around?"
"But you are all door girls and have been stationed in the border for many years. You must have learned some fencing since childhood. After class, I will arrange a teacher to give you some practical training for self-defense. Although the teacher can protect you for a while, he can’t protect you forever."
In the back training, Xiaoqian and I increased the number of colored beads to two, and later I increased it to three.
According to the requirements of the competition, the number of magic weapons in group events is not less than half, but it is not required that team members can manipulate them. It is up to me and Xiaoqian to manipulate the magic weapons, but it is not much more difficult for me to manipulate multiple colored beads than one.
After group training, they all went to practice fencing, including Xiaoqian, and I was left alone to continue training.
"Don’t I need to practice fencing?" I asked
"The magic weapon in your hand is that two killers are much more effective than swords?"
"Teacher, I didn’t kill anyone with them!"
Shijie smiled, "You beat the hag and the dragon half to death with these two things. If it is a mortal, is there any reason to survive?"
"What did the teacher learn today?"
"Smart projects usually start with beads because it is easier to manipulate, but rope is the most magic weapon in the celestial world." She said that a colorful rope appeared in her hand.
"You are already familiar with the other three kinds of manipulation, such as circle, twill and bead. Although you don’t use it in this competition, you should also learn to learn rope first today."
After seeing off Gu Zhujun, Li Cheng’s marriage was also scheduled. My mother recruited me and said to me, "You can accept his righteousness when you are born, but you should never tell him yourself that you are his biological father."
"Then can I go and see her?"
"Go ahead!" Mother replied, "She and Li Cheng will move out of the house one day and will not come back easily. Don’t go out to see what she has to say. Let’s finish it today!"
When we entered the pity room, we talked to each other. After a few days of confinement, she looked rather haggard. I didn’t leave her room that night, but she hugged each other and slept.
I touched her abdomen, although I couldn’t see it from the outside, but I clearly felt the spirit of her abdomen embryo. "I’m sorry, sister!" I said, "I can stay with you and the baby."
She cried and put her hand in my crotch where something came. "I should have said I’m sorry that my little master lost dd."
I’m right, and I’m not sure if it’s for this reason.
"Sister, I know you have a vendetta. Whose head do you want? I will avenge you for ten years, and I will take their lives before the children grow up. "
"I don’t want revenge!" She said, "I’m so lonely that I want to have a relative to accompany me. What’s worse, Wen Zhong, Gilly, Qing Yu and others, who are either heavy or brave, can you take their lives? Besides, how can Xibo bite the hand that feeds me? "
"Xibo, of course, I won’t kill him who doesn’t agree with God’s will. Besides, he is too old to live for a few years. If a surname Wen Zhong and his disciples are ten years late, they will die, and my hand will die at the hands of others."
15 new battle clothes
I didn’t go to pity’s wedding, so I didn’t want to make trouble for Li Cheng. Besides, my debt to pity’s came from the former Nezha, and I don’t think I owe her anything now.
After learning rope, I learned how to manipulate the stick. I found that Mr. Shijie took out a pair of short sticks that were exactly the same as the gymnastics sticks in the later generations. The more I believe that the creation of this project must be a rg sports traveler, and there is more than one.
"Is there a magic weapon like a teacher in actual combat?"
"Of course," she said. "If you use direct weapons, it is probably the most lethal of the six magic weapons!"
After that, she suddenly hit my knee with a club head, which made me kneel down. "Ah!"
"Why don’t you know how to hide?"
"Teacher, where can I hide when you move so fast?"
"Get up!" Teacher Shi Ji was unhappy. "Remember that someone in your opponent will dodge the stick, but it will break your bones and tendons."
Two days after learning short sticks, I was invited by Shi Ji, a teacher who would teach me that she was best at towels. Instead of teaching me confrontation skills, she directly confiscated my magic weapon and made me wear a set of protective gear.
"Practice your evasive ability today. Don’t try to use mana and spiritual power to fight me!"
Then she changed her tricks and attacked me with five magic weapons in turn. I was able to transport my magic power and spiritual power effectively, but I found that being in front of her powerful control could not affect the trajectory of the magic weapon at all.
I’ve been hit hundreds of times in the past day, and I’m covered in bruises despite wearing thick protective gear.
I was deeply depressed, but my mind was balanced when I saw the same bruised and sad face.
This lasted for a few days, and I was able to avoid most of the attacks by Shi Ji, so she asked me to take off my protective gear and arranged a confrontation exercise between Xiaoqian and me.
Because our spiritual powers are not right to wait for her to take the offensive and I will take the defensive, I can easily avoid or prevent her colorful pearl attack, but I don’t have the ability to seize the magic weapon from her.
In this day’s training, Mr. Shi Ji taught us two exquisite boxes, "What is this, teacher?" Xiaoqian asked
"This is your single competition outfit."
The packing box is two sets of double-breasted silk underwear, not today’s clothes style, but like the later generations, Wu Xiaoqian is green and I am pale pinkish purple.
"Why is Wu not wearing tights?" I asked
Shijie replied, "The organizer temporarily changed the venue of the performance event and changed it to the sand dune palace, but the confrontation event is still held in Chaoge. There will be many aristocrats coming to watch the game, among which there will be more antiques, and it will be a bit inappropriate for men to participate in tights in the trials."
"I think this is still good!" Xiaoqian said
After Xiaoqian left, Shijie magically took out a more exquisite box, "This is also you."
I took the box. "Didn’t Xiaoqian?"
"This is not what I prepared for you. Besides, it’s good that Xiaoqian can enter the semi-finals and can’t participate in a few games."
When I packed the box, I saw a thin piece of rose red, which implied a pattern. I thought of it. Could the standard dress be a Chinese-style chest covering when it was noisy? God, I don’t want to wear this.
I picked it up, but it was like a one-piece swimsuit sleeve tights. On the side of the high fork trousers, it was a mark I had never seen before.
"Does the teacher have to compete in swimming?"
"Swimming than what? This is your game, too. "
Is that white pantyhose? I did, but it was not a high-necked long-sleeved tights. Besides, there were a pair of white high-heeled soft boots and a white belt without pants.
"Try it on!" Teacher Shi Ji said

Wu Ming waved the numerous gifts to him and shouted, "Let’s go and let you go this time."

But another wave of his hand brought a gust of wind, blowing the little giant dragon and all the shrimps, soldiers and crabs far to the west as if the autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves.
The dragon, shrimp, soldier and crab generals couldn’t stop their bodies from drifting thousands of miles away before they stopped their bodies. All of them were shocked. This Taoist priest is very good!
Suddenly, one by one, the survivors put away their gifts and kept a low profile, and went on their way to the West Sea Dragon Palace.
Chapter 251 Dragon Palace reaction floating clouds welcome guests
They returned to the view of scorpion essence and asked the maids to prepare the banquet. Jin Nian was a little stiff and followed Wu Ming.
Wu Ming is also a headache. He will never recognize his father and daughter, so he asked his younger sister to arrange a room for her to live temporarily, and then she talked about it when she found a time to let her go back to her own mountain.
When it’s time to see his sacred tree.
I went to the backyard and entered the specially built garden. I saw a big tree and the ten arhats around it were also shining with glass luster, which seemed to be alive.
Wu Ming, a tree, was immediately bathed in the glory of making a sacred tree, and the Buddha’s light and Yuan God suddenly felt comfortable.
At the moment, he seems to be able to combine the sacred tree and the mountains and mountains continuously, and he can easily gain insight into his own emergence of a heavy potential.
Soon Wu Ming walked out of the tree.
Looking up at the sacred tree, I saw that it was like a Buddha overlooking all sentient beings.
In the view of floating clouds, he tried to send Lingbao to incense and nourish the Bodhisattva tree in the Yuanshen method with merits, but it was unexpectedly as effective as synchronizing with the Huanghuaguan body.
Immediately, Yuan Shen Fa emerged, and two identical Pu scared trees of the same size seemed to be competing to reflect.
Fahai was resting in the main room, but suddenly he noticed a vast breath of Buddhism erupting from the backyard.
Suddenly, there are a few more silk in my eyes. Is the Taoist priest also a true Buddha? No wonder there is such a Buddhist understanding.
Then he sat down and abandoned the foreign things and continued to practice. The dragon Buddha climbed out of the evil dumpling and wrapped it around him as if he were going to swallow the young monk at any time and didn’t know it was a spiritual practice.
At night, a sumptuous banquet was placed in the front yard.
Wu Ming and the others sat at the same table, and seven spider spirits also came from Pansi Cave.
After becoming immortal, their temperament is different. It turns out that they are all green eyebrows, and Liu Yedan’s face is lined with peach blossoms, which is more difficult than Chang ‘e’s.
All the people at the banquet are talking and laughing. It is not at all self-conscious to push a cup for a change with a young monk, Fahai.
Close your eyes and meditate on the diamond sutra
Wu Ming doesn’t care whether his practice is his own business. Isn’t it necessarily bad to see through the world of mortals?
There was a burst of joy in the misty mountain, but the little dragon kept driving to the West Sea Dragon Palace, but he was very depressed.
The roots of the Dragon Palace in the West Sea don’t pay much attention to him, let alone my uncle. Even the ministers of the Dragon Palace haven’t seen one. There are several neglected dragon grandchildren who come to entertain him.
"I don’t know my big cousin Moan Taike?"
Yi Long asked, "Big Brother is leading the troops to fight in the deep sea. What does cousin Jie want with him?"
The little dragon told the story about the yellow flower view of Yanxia Mountain.
The dragons looked at each other.
Or the dragon said, "If someone dares to rob me, the aquarium will level his mountain gate, but the elder brother in Yanxiashan advised you to avoid it."
Say and look at the little giant dragon. It’s good that this fellow can come back with a tail. I thought about revenge. Even Brother Moang was beaten so badly in those days. Now you still stay out of the way. Are you afraid of ambition?
At this age, Xiao Xiaolong is not the kind of person who can swallow and listen to good words. Several cousins are prevaricating and getting more and more upset.
After several dragons left, he was left alone in the temple, knocking the table over and spilling the fruit on the floor.
"Is that all?"
Small giant dragon looked up and saw a figure walked into the temple.
"Cousin Yulong?"
The bearer is the West Sea Yulong Santai, that is, the Little White Dragon.
"The strength is not as good as people’s background. What do you take to others than to be furious? Go home early and get into trouble again. Don’t say that my uncle can’t keep you even if he is my father. "
Say jade dragon too will no longer see his one eye carrying a hand away.
Little Jilong’s eyes are flashing and he is no longer angry. He has been sitting quietly for a long time without moving.
Aorun, the main hall of the Dragon Palace, saw Santai coming back and asked, "Did you warn him?"
Three too nodded "should not go to provoke the true gentleman"
Ao run this just face slightly slow with the wave let three too back.
"I’m quite admire you dragon a lot of shit knows everything, and you can sit still in the world."
A sound rang out in the Kuang hall.
Ao run didn’t care and didn’t pester this question too much. "It’s terrible for that true gentleman to grow up. Even people in the Dragon Palace can drop him."
That sound is faint. "He’s not ordinary. He’s a lucky bug, but now it seems that apart from the monkey, I’m afraid he’s the biggest variable, but if you dig out some old guys in the spring, maybe it’s World War I."
Ao run’s eyes shrank, and everyone knew how deep these guys had penetrated.
The little giant dragon left without waiting for ao run’s birthday, but no one cared.
Wu Ming found the mouse and warned her not to say that she was her father outside. Go back and practice by herself and don’t cause trouble outside.
Obedience is more obedient. The next day, the mouse went back to the mountain by himself. Wu Ming heard that he still warned him if he had any difficulties, but don’t take any evil ways.
The last few school sisters also went back to Pansiling, Wu Ming, and now it is much easier to have a heavenly salary and a spiritual treasure than to go to the bitter, haha, exorcism and accumulation by yourself.
I won’t go out for a while, just taking the opportunity to close for a while to cultivate the Yuan God.
Compared with his leisurely day, there are a group of people here.
One by one, the mighty and powerful men swarmed with two young people into the view.
Taoist priests are a little curious about what these people do, and they don’t seem to come to worship God.
Before welcoming the guests, the Taoist made a bow and said, "I wonder if the two laymen want incense or worship God?"
"What’s the difference?"

"Why don’t you wait for the hungry ghost to rob it?"

"Silly, it won’t be delicious until he bakes it!"
Zhang Laohan and his wife suddenly felt that the room was a lot colder and went along the window seam to see the courtyard wall as if there was something, but they could see a shadow.
"Hush, go to sleep quickly. The doors and windows are locked and you didn’t bring my knife …"
Chen Hui Zhou Qing hid the shadow corner and looked at a row of evil spirits outside the courtyard. Some people were surprised that the Taoist priest got something that attracted so many monsters.
Tick tock, tick tock-
Many evil spirits open their mouths and drool.
"I can’t stand it! I want a bite!"
How can an evil ghost jump into the hospital and let it jump in first?
Burst, burst—
"Where is the water?"
A line is not low evil spirits doubt way
I saw a vast expanse of whiteness around me as if it were a lake, and all the evil spirits were soaked in water.
They jumped into the hospital. How did they get into this lake?
A charred object was thrown in.
"It’s that sweet thing!"
A group of evil spirits with low spiritual intelligence pounced on it and chewed and swallowed it, but it didn’t matter where they were.
Three old ghosts who have been on the road for hundreds of years are very surprised to get together.
"Two elder brothers know what is this place? Have we ever been on the road? "
Asked a red-haired hag.
On one side was a pot-bellied ghost who shook his head: "I have never heard of anyone who has this magical power to move people thousands of miles."
Red-haired hag immediately spread his wings to fly to that side, but it seemed to fly by it.
The pot-bellied ghost also dived to see the water, sand and white jade as the bottom, and another skeleton ghost swam aside and saw a white jade wall.
After a while, the hag waved his wings and fell dignified and said, "The top is empty!" "
Two ghosts also said what they saw.
"We may have hit someone else’s avatar!"
The three evil spirits looked up and looked through the layers as if there were a pair of eyes looking at them jokingly.
"Did you find it?"
Wu Ming looked at the scene in the white jade basin and smiled gently.
Then the stones built a stove to put the jade basin on the surface and the fire rose again.
Suddenly the hot water in the basin rolled and all the evil spirits wailed.
The evil spirits Zhou Qing, two mountain gods, are boiling water here, but they can’t wait. Why are those evil spirits going in?
"The Taoist priest blames us. Let’s go."
Chen Hui will pull Zhou Qing dun walk suddenly with a silver light from the courtyard.
It was a thick hemp rope that tied them together.
Two magic weapons are used to cut, but the old gentleman personally refined the magic weapon. Can they be easily cut by the two Mao gods?
"Come back"
Listen to Wu Ming shouted a tied dragon rope and immediately pulled two mountain gods back to the hospital.
"How can I smell you in the distance? Can’t sleep in the middle of the night and get up like me to eat some supper? "
Er Shen looked up and saw the Taoist priest holding a spoon and stirring a rich aroma in a basin to make them drool.
Chen Hui service road: "Don’t tell the truth, we two brothers just smell this fragrance. Forgive me for the collision."
"Well, sit down and eat it later."
Wu Ming withdrew the dragon rope and let Er Shen sit down.
Chen Hui two saw Wu means suddenly afraid to escape and sat on the floor.
Watching the Taoist priest take out a cattail leaf fan and gently fan the milky white soup in the fire jade basin, rolling slightly and emitting plumes of heat.
Although Chen Hui was curious about what soup was so fragrant, he was even more curious about where the evil spirits had gone.
Zhou Qing was completely attracted by Tang Xiang and asked, "What kind of soup is this, real person? Why is it so attractive?"
"This is my secret system, and many materials are not easy to find. Li Yi seems to be good."
Wu Ming took out two jade bowls and handed them to two mountain gods respectively.
"try it"
Chapter 111 Punish the God of Evil Mountain and make a scene in the City God Department
Two mountain gods are holding a bowl with some trepidation. Why does this bowl look familiar?
"Ha ha, try it. It should taste good."
Zhou Qing asked with a bowl: "Real people don’t eat?"
Wu Ming shook his head: "I like watching others eat this soup!" "
Chen Hui Zhou Qing glanced at each other and took a sip. How could it be so delicious when his eyes shone suddenly?
Yaochi fine wine is so much!
Immediately thump will drink a bowl of fairy soup dry also wanting more.
Wu Ming gave them a bowl each.
"I still have some cooking talent?"
Zhou Qing immediately took the words and gave a thumbs up and praised: "I have never tasted such delicious soup before! I don’t know what it is? "
"This is not difficult. When more than a dozen evil spirits brew a wick of incense, add a spirit powder to bake the evil spirits and cook them for about a quarter of an hour."
This a Chen Hui, Zhou Qing two immediately stood on the spot they just drink soup turned out to be …
The two of them couldn’t spit it out. At the thought of the soup, they suddenly felt sick and had a hot temper. Chen Hui immediately asked, "Taoist, can you bear to tease our brother for three transgressions and two times and eat my knife!"
Immediately, I took out my waist treasure knife and chopped it at Wu Ming Zhou Qing. When I saw this, it was also a weapon to play.
I’m not surprised to see this Wu Ming. I’ll tie him if I throw a dragon rope.
The two men had already seen the hemp rope’s powerful weapon smash and turned to kill the ambassador Wu Ming first.
Chen Hui, who was caught by Wu’s list hand with a knife, immediately panicked and tried to escape from the evil wind.
Want to run?
See his arm a long with Chen Hui bang into the bowl over there Zhou Qing has a wind escaped from the hospital.
But when it comes to making the wind, he is Wu Ming’s shoes, and he is not worthy to read a few words of truth and immediately gather the wind around him.
Zhou Qing’s evil wind was no exception. Seeing that the Taoist priest had the magical power of breathing wind, he ran across the river for dozens of miles and rolled the ghost into the grass, then he attached a toad to hide inside.
Gawk wait for a while is:
Cast a round of sand-climbing children stroking their backs like the belly of a chitose.
Wu Ming naturally won’t let go of this malicious and wanton evil spirit and immediately jump to chase it.

Turn a circle full zhong is out of the city, Chen yi doubt quietly followed.

Until Man Zhong came out of a manor outside the city and walked back, Chen Yi finally couldn’t help it.
"Brother Zhong, what’s wrong with you? What did you do just now? " Chen yi cried
Man Zhong suddenly looked up and looked horrified.
"Brother Zhong, what’s the matter with you?" Chen yi cried again
Man Zhong is holding his head and showing a painful color.
"Brother Zhong, what’s the matter?" Chen yi anxious way
Man Zhong suddenly slapped himself "Pa!"
"Brother Zhong!" Chen Yi exclaimed.
Man Zhong, what’s going on?
"Chen Yihe, I now find that I am a good bastard. What should I do!" Man Zhong suddenly began to cry.
"What’s the matter? Brother Zhong, don’t scare me, will you say it? I will face it with you no matter what! " Chen yi is also afraid of way
They found a secluded mountain forest.
Man Zhong kept pulling his hair.
Chen Yi waited patiently for Manzhong instead of urging him.
"I’m not a person! I’m not a person!" Man Zhong cried and said
"Brother Zhong, what’s wrong with you?" Chen yi asked with full zhong.
"In the old days, Chen was my sorry for you. I ran away from marriage and married and gave birth! Let you suffer so much! " Manzhong bitter way
"No, we are not together? I already know that you married and gave birth to a daughter, but you died. Qi Jinghou avenged you, and then you followed Jinghou and helped Jinghou raise Xiao Tai! " Chen Yi Judo
"Their souls are still there!" Man zhong said with pain
"What?" Chen yi suddenly face a change.
"Brother Zhong, what did you say? What do you mean? " Chen Yi exclaimed.
"I am a chess player. The woman who killed my wife in those days was Tian Qi who arranged for him to arrange the killer, and then Qi Jinghou took revenge to win the trust of Qi Jinghou and let me bury him. However, the soul of my wife and daughter was held by Tian Qi to blackmail me. Just now I saw them!" Chen Yi said painfully
Chen yi was also stunned.
Is Man Zhong a chess player?
"Tian Beggar’s ambition is to capture Qi. Qi has already buried several chess games. There are many people besides me. I don’t know who it is, but at this time, all the chess games have moved. I know that Tian Beggar’s conspiracy will end in the final stage!" Manzhong painful way
"Tian Hao didn’t expect Xiaotai to grow up so quickly and want to help us deal with Xiaotai!" Manzhong painful way
"What? What does Zhong Ge Tian want to do? "
"Tian Qi asked me to persuade Sun Fei back to the Tian family and then control Sun Fei to restrict Xiao Tai and let Xiao Tai fall into a trap to completely kill Xiao Tai!"
"I knew this day would come sooner or later. I knew from raising Xiao Tai that one day Tian Shi would threaten Jing Hou. Now it’s different. I don’t threaten Jing Hou. Xiao Tai has been threatened by Tian Shi’s family to ruin Xiao Tai."
"How did that happen? How come… Brother Zhong, you don’t really want to …! " Chen yi’s face was frightened and said
"Small tai is I grew up watching how can I hurt him? Otherwise, I won’t go back to Linzi from Wan Li, not far from Da Lei Yin Temple, just to be able to wake Xiao Tai and let Xiao Tai escape from danger, but but …! " Man Zhong is holding his head in pain.
"Brother Zhong in that manor just now, did you see her soul and your daughter’s soul?" Chen yi is also a great force.
If you don’t listen to Tian Qi, the soul of Manzhong’s ex-wife and daughter will be completely finished.
Listen to Tian Begging, but you want to hurt Sun Fei and Xiao Tai?
"Brother Zhong!" Chen yi is also suddenly sad.
"Chen I’m sorry! Let you follow me sad! " Manzhong painful way
Chen Yi is holding Man Zhong. "Brother Zhong, can you tell me that I don’t have anything to ask for? Let’s face it together!"
"ah!" Manzhong burst into tears for a while.
Chen Yi feels this sadness together with Man Zhong.
"Brother Zhong, what are you going to do?" Chen looked at Manzhong.
Man Zhong closed his eyes and shivered for a while as if he didn’t want to choose ordinary, but he still trembled and said, "Xiao Tai can’t have an accident. Our Jinling Temple has been monitored by the Tian family. Try to let Sun Fei hide as soon as possible!"
"Then your daughter and her soul …!" Chen yi holding the full secondary way
Man Zhong trembled and shook his head. "I am right, right, sorry for them!"
Chapter one hundred and thirty-five Yin malicious begging
Jin State! Crimson land!
"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!" Ginger tea said while coughing.
"We won. Ahem!" Next to a fairy dragging sick body said
"Let’s go back early. The army of the Qi League is scattered. I’m worried that there will be turmoil when the news returns to Qi!"
"Yes, Gong Dagong has always coveted your position. Now it is difficult for the two worlds to be apart!"
Ginger tea is frowned and said, "No, boss, although I have always disagreed, he dare not do it!"
"But what if?" The fairy said again
Ginger tea frowned and finally nodded. "I’ll go back as soon as possible. You can wait for the fifth person to show up and tell him for me!"
"Yes!" One of the immortals nodded.
Then two immortals left with ginger tea and three patients flew in the direction of Qi-
Jiang Tai fought against the earth and was injured by the earthquake in Long Mai. There is no shortage of healing pills for Jiang Tai. In the rapid recovery, there is a fairy stone merit, and Jiang Tai recovers very quickly

Not long after, Xiao Liu stopped at the gate of a supermarket and asked me if I needed his help. I didn’t say let him wait in the car.

As soon as I entered the supermarket gate, I pushed a shopping cart and went straight to the wine area to get a few bottles of red and white beer, and then I walked around the shopping mall and got some snacks and went to check out.
I seldom drink Chinese medicine since I drank it, and that person won’t let me drink it, but how can I do without alcohol when I’m in a bad mood?
I’ll push the shopping cart directly to the parking lot after paying the bill.
Xiao Liu frowned when he saw that I bought a small car of wine. "How did you buy so many wines? There is wine in the cellar of the villa."
"That’s your wine, manager Zou. I’m happy to enjoy it." I replied in a shady way
Xiao Liu Neng guaiguai trunk loaded with wine
Back to the villa, Mrs. Lin was cooking in the kitchen. I asked Xiao Liu to move the wine upstairs quickly. Xiao Liu looked unhappy, but she was very reluctant to do so when I urged her.
I hid the wine in the coat closet, and the clothes blocked it. I went to the distance and looked at it. It didn’t come out at all. Xiao Liu looked at me like a doormat and looked at me like I was hiding some dirty goods.
I clapped my hands and regarded him as contemptuous and smiled, "You are awesome."
"Is that really good? If Zou always knows … "
I didn’t wait for him to finish, but I interrupted directly, "I want you not to tell me that he knows and has nothing to do with you."
Xiao Liu’s modest eyes blinked and turned and walked out. I changed my clothes and followed the floor.
Mrs. Lin heard the noise and came out of the kitchen. She just saw me coming from the building and smiled and asked, "When did you come back? Why didn’t I hear it?"
"I just got back and bought something for Xiao Liu to help me," I said casually.
"You can have dinner in about twenty minutes. If you are hungry, you can eat some fruit first. There are also snacks at the guest table." Sister Lin pointed to the living room and laughed.
"Okay, I know."
I walked to the living room and happened to see Hengyuan advertisement, which is a 3d animation propaganda film of commercial street. This advertisement should also cost a lot of money and the visual effect is very good.
It seems that the land will be fired soon.
I don’t know how Zou Chen got the landlord’s hair. How could Gu Yisheng bow to him lightly?
Leaning on the sofa, doing nothing, I’m thinking again
When I became speechless, it was very fast. Soon Mrs. Lin called me to dinner. I watched it after six o’clock, so Zou Chen won’t come back for dinner tonight.
Uh … What do I want him to do?
I get angry at the thought of getting up early and kindly asking Xiao Liu to send him porridge, but he still doesn’t drink it.
When I entered the restaurant, I saw that the table had set the meal, so I didn’t help in the kitchen. Soon Mrs. Lin came from the kitchen with soup. "Today, I stewed fish head soup and put some sauerkraut. It tastes good. You can eat more."
"I like fish head soup." I got up with a smile and brought her a hot soup pad.
Mrs. Lin put the soup on the mat and said, "In the afternoon, Mr. Zou called back and said that I would come back for dinner later. I ordered more food. When he came back in the steamer, he could eat your medicine directly. After frying it in the fire for a while, it would be late. I had to go home. My family caught a cold and said it was a little fever. I went back to have a look."  On Monday, the two shifts resumed.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-three I remained motionless
Mrs. Lin put the soup on the mat and said, "In the afternoon, Mr. Zou called back and said that I would come back for dinner later. I ordered more food. When he came back in the steamer, he could eat your medicine directly. After frying it in the fire for a while, it would be late. I had to go home. My family caught a cold and said it was a little fever. I went back to have a look."
"Then go home after dinner. I’ll just watch the medicine for a while."
"Nothing is not bad for half an hour" Lin sister-in-law laughed.
I frowned. "I still have no problem seeing a medicine. Don’t spoil me as a basket case."
Section 227
Lin Sao chuckled "that line" and she went back to the kitchen.
When I first moved in, I asked her to have dinner at the same table, but Mrs. Lin refused to say anything about the difference between master and servant. The rules and ideas should not be messed up, and I was older than Zhang Ma, so I didn’t insist on following her.
I took out my cell phone from my pocket and called Xiao Liu to ask him if he was outside. He said that he had returned to the company and wanted him to send a wife Lin. Now it seems that he can’t.
After dinner, I Didi called a car for Sister Lin to take her back.
If Mrs. Lin leaves, it will be a little scary for me to be quiet alone in the big villa. When the medicine is fried, I will go back to the bedroom and watch it for a while, so I can’t help but feel a little greedy when I think of the wine I just bought last night.
I want to drink some red wine. Is it okay?
Thinking that I immediately took action, the bed ran to the coat, took a bottle of red wine and ran downstairs, took an elevated cup and ran back to the bedroom and nested on the big round sofa. I poured half a glass of red wine cross-legged, then transferred the TV to a variety show, and then took a sip of red wine and suddenly felt very comfortable watching funny programs.
As soon as this person is in a comfortable mood, the wine will naturally stop, and a bottle of red wine will bottom out after watching that variety show.
I couldn’t help but burp and forget the bottle. I was in a trance. I wanted to have a drink … Why did I drink a bottle?
I wish I could get rid of the corpse!
When I got up, I was busy carrying the bottle building and thought for a long time. The kitchen trash can was the safest and I entered the kitchen. Just after throwing the bottle into the trash can, I heard the beep of the outside door. I frowned and ran out of the kitchen at a sprint speed of 100 meters. I ran straight into the bedroom and leaned against the door. I couldn’t help but gasp.
I patted my chest. Before I could breathe, I heard footsteps outside the door and I felt my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I don’t know what I was nervous about. You just drank a bottle of wine. Why are you so guilty?
The footsteps are getting clearer and clearer. I mean, I ran to the bed and lay down directly on the bed. At the moment when I fell into the big bed, the bedroom door was pushed and I closed my eyes immediately.
I can pretend to sleep now
As the door was gently footsteps approaching my heart, my heart pounded like thunder, and my footsteps stopped at the bedside, and I heard a sigh, and then my feet were dragged off and covered with quilt.
I remained motionless.
"Drink?" A man whispered a word.
I just remembered that I forgot the glass when I was trying to destroy the bottle. Er … What a fool.
Another sigh.
I don’t know why it hurts me to hear him sigh like that.
After a while, his footsteps moved my coat and hat, and my heart soared. I even froze my breath and thought about whether I hung up my clothes when I took the wine myself just now. I was afraid that he would see me hiding something.
But soon he came out of his coat and hat, and then he went out of the bedroom.
I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the whole talent came loose and climbed into my heart with a little loss.
I didn’t hear the noise again, so I sat up and heaved a sigh of relief. I bowed my head in my bed and sniffed a little wine. I got up and went into the bathroom, put water first, and then went to the washstand to wash my teeth and wash my face. The water was almost mine. bathroom door took off his clothes and stepped into the bathtub.
Lying in the bathtub, Zou Chen’s sigh rang again in my ear, like love dearly.

The so-called defense line is some simple foxholes. Before they came to dig deep, China people have already reached the periphery of the village. They are only a few people, but they seem to occupy a large forest area like mountains and plains.

"I took people out to fight back against them." Lieutenant Neil pleaded with Brigadier General Powell.
At present, the number of people in the small village is about one regiment with more than 4,000 people. Lieutenant Neil believes that taking a battalion out will definitely defeat China people one by one and give them a little bit of strength. Let’s see if we can boost the morale of an army by the way.
"No, they are few in number, but there must be many people coming behind them. We’d better hold here and wait for the support of the 75th Division or wait for the reinforcements from Dijon."
The 75th Division is not far from them. Now the guns there are still rumbling and blazing. It is estimated that they are being rescued from attacking China people.
Major General Charles moves with the 74th Division, and it is estimated that the 75th Division will not give up easily. Although Major General Charles is a greedy bastard, he is the commander of the Corps and governs the 74th and 75th Divisions.
In fact, Powell didn’t know that Major General Charles had come with so much gold if the gold bars hadn’t just fallen out.
In a short time, as expected, China people appeared in all directions, surrounded them and set up mortars. Soon, shells flew over and bombed the positions of American foxholes.
In foxholes, American soldiers bury their heads in the holes, and some people are still shivering and crying out to the emperor, please let China people go!
A round of shelling came, and machine guns and rifle guns sounded in stars.
These guns are also very deadly, and the killing effect is no worse than the dense machine gun array.
In a foxhole next to Lieutenant Neil, a soldier shouted "Ah" and then shouted, "Tang is dead. They shot him in the head."
Then the soldier collapsed, and his comrade-in-arms were killed and his death was terrible. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he went crazy and jumped out of the foxhole. "Bang!" A bullet flew in and hit the soldier’s chest, and the horse wouldn’t survive.
China’s bullets are accurate, although the firepower is not dense, but every shot is almost rewarding. Brigadier General Powell ordered everyone except the soldiers at the observation post to lie down at the bottom of the foxhole and not let the China people take advantage of it.
However, China launched a feint at this time, and as soon as the American head emerged from the foxhole, China gunmen with accurate marksmanship shot and killed another batch of American troops.
"It’s not a way to be beaten by China in such a broken way. In a short time, people cry and die. China people are really demons and evil …" Brigadier General Powell said with a frown.
"Today, we have to dig foxholes deeper and connect them into trenches, which can effectively prevent China people from being shot in the cold," said Lieutenant Neil. "At the same time, letting soldiers do something can also relieve their pressure and prevent them from having a mental breakdown because of too much pressure …"
"It’s strange that they should be able to attack us, but why did they stop? What’s weird about this? "Brigadier general Powell said
Less than a kilometer away from him, Qu Weisheng, the commander of the 15th Division, said to Ji Wu, the head of the 324th regiment, "The main division jockey club will cooperate with the 14th Division to launch a panic attack on the 75th Division, and the remaining points here will be handed over to you. You will just surround the remaining American troops."
"Why not kill their department?" Jiwudao
"It depends on the reaction of the US military in Dijon!" Qu Weisheng said to be continued.
Chapter 466 Hot coffee spilled on the thigh
The 75th Division of the United States has been trying to get through the 74th Division of the United States to launch a fierce attack on an infantry regiment of the 14th Division, which is in charge of blocking the Chinese regiment. However, no breakthrough has been made except making great sacrifices and leaving a corpse, and this possibility has become more and more ambiguous as time goes by.
The American 75th Division paid a huge price. When it was ready to give up the American 74th Division, the 15th Division of the Chinese Communist Youth League had basically destroyed the American 74th Division and fought back from the right wing of the American 75th Division to cut off the retreat of the American 75th Division.
At this time, the accurate way for the 75th Division of the United States should throw away all the trench and gun baggage and run desperately far away from the attack range of the Chinese team. After all, Americans have long legs and throw away everything lightly, so it is impossible for China people to chase them.
If the 75th division commander had fought with the Chinese Communist Youth League, he would have made this correct decision. Unfortunately, however, he was not. Although the outside world blew the Chinese Communist Youth League wonderfully, he would not believe this kind of thing unless he saw it with his own eyes. Some people would not believe it even if they had seen it with their own eyes.
The combat effectiveness and performance of this army of the Chinese Communist Youth League are beyond the cognitive scope of ordinary soldiers, and they will really realize it after they have seen it. Those who have really seen it are all dead in China.
In addition, the American team is a modern army with strict combat discipline, and the American face and national dignity do not allow the 75th Division to do so.
The 75th Division of the United States lost its last chance and was gradually divided, surrounded and destroyed by the 15th and 14th Divisions of the Chinese Communist Youth League.
In the evening, Zhang Yiping entered Bonne again, but the town was almost in ruins.
The entrance street of the town, the whole town wafts with a smell of nitrosulfonic acid, which is mixed with the smell of blood and protein scorching. This is the unique smell of the battlefield. Zhang Yiping is not disgusted, but a little excited, just like a shark smells blood and makes people want to try.
Tran Phu crossed and ran to report that his 3rd Battalion had regained Bonne and led Zhang Yiping to a beautiful castle.
Although the castle is not very grand, the living facilities are all ready and it is beneficial for the security company to guard it. Zhang Yiping walked in and took a casual look and said, "Without those bitches of the French Red Army nagging here, we can finally live in the top castle, enjoy the best resources, drink the best red wine and sleep with the most beautiful women if possible. This is a levy. Now we are the levy. We can do whatever we want in this city."
"Does the commander-in-chief mean to allow our 3rd Battalion to have a half-day holiday?" Tran Phu was ecstatic and asked.
"Don’t even think about it!" Zhang Yiping reprimanded, "There won’t be any after the holidays like before. We are a regular army, and there are also famous justice teachers and scholars in the world. How many days do you want to have a holiday? Let you burn, kill, rob and carry out the three light policies … no way! You were born in the wrong age. If we were born decades earlier, we would have a chance to gallop across the European continent like this. No matter how you burn, kill and rob, it will be fine, but these lines will not work now. "
"This is a literary world. I am a gentleman recognized by the world. How can our army do these things boldly?" Zhang Yiping said.
"If you can’t do it boldly, then do it secretly! A gentleman is a beautiful coat and never blinks when he does bad things … "Tran Phu said.
"Nonsense, no culture, no cultivation!" Zhang Yiping denounced.
Tran Phu hurriedly said, "But I’m not saying that the commander-in-chief has a kind heart in appearance."
"Are you cursing me? What has a kind heart? Good people can’t get along here, "Zhang Yiping criticised." Now it’s a new society. Everything must be done under legal conditions. To put it bluntly, it’s not impossible to burn, kill and rob, but it’s necessary to create a legal excuse and put on a coat of law, humanity, democracy and freedom … "
The 14th and 15th divisions are cleaning up the remnants of American troops, but the overall situation has been decided. Some troops have crossed Bonne and entered Dijon.
Dijon has a large number of defenders, but for the 14th and 15th divisions, the main divisions of the * * regiment, they are not sure of victory, so they are also determined to stay in Dijon, and there has been no movement.
However, Zhang Yiping didn’t let down his guard. The reconnaissance battalion of the 15th Division has been moving around Dijon, plus the support of the French Red Army. Once there is any movement in Dijon, Zhang Yiping will always know it at the first time.
In the evening, for the officers and men of the * * regiment in a busy day, most of them can relax except for the security forces.
They arrived here overnight, ran all night, and fought with a high load all day, and they were exhausted.
But Brigadier General Powell, the commander of the 74th Division of the United States, couldn’t sleep.
When the Chinese team was suddenly hit, the military newspaper and other communication facilities were lost, but the good communication class still kept the homing pigeon. Later, the homing pigeon Dijon and the 75 th Division got the connection, but it was not good news to give back.
From the 75th Division, it is the commander of the 75th Division. The bloody handwriting is very heroic, but it doesn’t help the 74th Division. Brigadier General Powell threw it away.
Dijon told him that Dijon’s strategic position was very important and its troops were limited. The temporary method was to send troops to help them break through, and the Dijon defenders would go out of the city to meet them as the case may be. This tone was very cold. Nearly 4,000 of them were killed by China people.
Brigadier general Powell immediately became angry and broke everything in the basement, leaving the last lantern. Finally, Brigadier general Powell looked at the dim lights and stared blankly.
Lieutenant Neil came in through a broken wall in the basement, which was connected to a ditch outside. After digging a ditch one afternoon, he finally dug it out.
But after all, the short-term defense is not perfect.
It’s not really defensive, but it’s given the trapped officers and men a safe place. They’re no longer shot in the back by China people. In the ditch, China people can’t stand them unless they show their bodies outside.
However, this is not the case. China people always have a way to make them bleed and pay the price of their lives one by one. They are like hunters who always have a way to kill their prey.
Lieutenant Neil looked haggard, too. It took Brigadier General Powell a long time to say, "The 75th Division is finished with Dijon from ruin, and so are we."
Listen to Brigadier General Powell, Lieutenant Neil realized that Brigadier General Powell was on the verge of madness, but he couldn’t help it.
However, some situations should be reported to Brigadier General Powell, although he didn’t want to hear Lieutenant Neil say, "We don’t have mortars, fire shells and food. Every soldier has a bag bomb and every machine gun has a box of dry food to eat for about a day … The brothers are very depressed …"
"I know, you go out first!" Brigadier general Powell said
Lieutenant Neil really doesn’t want to move, and he doesn’t want to go out on patrol. He really wants to be injured. It’s better to stay here than to stay outside in the ditch.
But Lieutenant Neil had to go out and disturb Brigadier General Powell.