"Don’t worry about so much now, it depends on whether the demon race can stop the fiend clan attack. If it can resist the fiend clan attack, both sides will be in a state of balance. If the demon race can’t stop the fiend clan attack," Tai Dou’s godfather stared at the large array of stars in the heavens and kept spying on the secrets of the demon race.

"If we can’t stop the fiend clan attack, we will also help to suppress the fiend clan. We can’t call the fiend clan dominant." The Taiping ancestor clenched the imperial map.
"And they were afraid that our hand may not be the giant’s enemy." It’s too easy to teach our ancestors a wry smile. "Hung-chun this fellow is always messing around. Well, this time, get out a large array of evil spirits in the twelve heavens that harms all sentient beings in the heavens and I don’t know what heart Hung-chun this fellow has."
Listening to complain about the ancestral way of Tai Huang Jiao, "Hongjun chess has always been a continuous step by step, and he has put the twelve heavenly gods into a large array called the fiend clan, which is definitely not a monopoly. There must be his reasons."
Listening to Taizhuang’s words, the ancestors looked calm and their eyes looked at the field.
"The stars large array? Let’s just see if you can stop this large array of stars in the heavens. "The giant growled at the sky and smashed it with one punch."
"the stars move"
Make the stars turn.
Chapter 1953 Cold and strange across the array
One punch bounced out of the stars’ rotation on Sunday and hit the stars’ large array. One punch actually turned over and fell on the chest of the giant transformed by twelve fiends.
The large array of stars in the heavens bombed SIRS, and the star god instantly returned to the star. The giant even bombed twelve fiends, and their faces fell in a mess.
Twelve fiends, the large array of gods and evil spirits, has just been formed. Although it can be used as a platform, it is dull and rigid. Facing the large array of stars in the sky, the rebound roots will not be manipulated to avoid breaking themselves with one punch.
The demon clan’s large array of stars is also the first time to be decorated and blown back to the throne after being hit by twelve fiends.
At this moment, the strong men in the heavens and the earth all looked at the battlefield. Twelve fiends were gloomy, and the demon gods there were also ugly.
"It seems that no one can resist half a catty." Too easy to teach the ancestors that their eyes are bright and their turtle shells are spinning endlessly.
"Is it better this time or is it a good balance? Is it a wonder that my Terran is so powerful?" Grandfather Tai Dou was startled.
"It is no longer a large array of stars in the heavens, even a large array of stars in the heavens may not be able to get a large array of demon families." Taiping’s ancestor looked solemn
"My Terran completely lost the chance to enter the middle domain unless we can realize a demon race and a fiend race comparable to the law." Too easy to teach the ancestors a heavy way.
"In my opinion, Hung-chun’s sycophantic illegibility can’t tell a large array of demon race in 1234567, or perhaps Hung-chun personally deduced it." Taiping ancestor said coldly.
"Why does he have this power to constantly push and perform a series of laws against the sky?" Tai Yuan’s ancestor didn’t.
He’s really not hung-chun, but he’s just a younger generation, like all the grandfathers, right?
All the people in the field look at me. I see that you are all silent. The twelve fiends look ugly. Hubei Shinto said, "What a mysterious array of stars. This is by no means a large array of stars in the heavens, nor a large array of stars in the heavens. I didn’t expect you demon clan to realize that it’s really lucky to go against the sky."
"It’s also a kind of strength to praise the real dumb luck." Tiger God smiled smugly and it was good for the demon family to be able to withstand the attack of the fiend clan.
Glancing at all the demon gods coldly, Hubei God grunted coldly, "Don’t be complacent, what’s there to be proud of? After a long time, you will win or lose."
"O gens although release your horse and I demon race never fear" fox god chuckled.
At sirs demon god coldly, then I saw several fiends turn away, and my eyes were full of anger.
"This time, the large array of fiends is restrained. Look at them as arrogant as they are. When they get back, they will practice the stars. Now, if we don’t compare the large array of fiends, it is the tacit understanding of proficiency." Fox turned gracefully and walked towards the two worlds.
Looking at the fox god, several people suddenly burst into retailing, and the tiger god shook his head "this is sycophantic"
"You guys demon race this group of f * * king is really a little thing to tinker with the stars in the sky" centipede bodhi old zu green eyes keep turning and don’t know what to look at.
"Hum, let’s hurt ourselves this time and give the demon family a breathing space. Let’s thoroughly practice. It’s purely a demon family. There will never be such a bargain." Wolf God nu way.
"After going back, immediately drill the array diagram and deduce the secrets of the large array of stars, and at the same time thoroughly master the large array of fiends." The sound of Hubei God is cold.
SIRS fiends have sneaked into the ground to practice the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons’ Large Array Deducing the Stars’ Large Array. At this time, SIRS Godfathers also felt that the crisis was in full swing, and they were secretly deducing the Terran array.
At this moment, the situation of the heavens and the earth is tense, but the jade show seems to be fine
Thirty-three Heavenly Jade Bodhisattva looked at Jade Duxiu "Hongjun? Is the array like this? "
Jade Duxiu was silent. The jade bodhi old zu looked at Jade Duxiu from left to right and then said, "You are not a dharma body, are you?"
"You are not stupid." Jade Duxiu is neither salty nor light.
"True or false? It’s incredible that your dharma body can be faked. "Jade bodhi old zu leaned in to scratch jade Duxiu, but jade Duxiu gave you a kick and flew" to stop fooling around. "
The jade bodhi old zu looked at Jade Duxiu and pointed to the distant mountains. "Wen Yingji, what are you going to do?"
Yu Duxiu looked at the jade bodhi old zu in two places at once. "What do you care about this?"
"Don’t look at the monk’s face to see the Buddha’s face. Do you call El Nino as yourself? It’s hard for two adults to call El Nino. In those days, Wen Yingji completely fell out with the Wen family and dismissed the Queen Mother. Only then did you have the opportunity of your little lover Miaoyu. The big family brother is so helpless. "Jade bodhi old zu’s face is full of regrets.
"What are you trying to say, you old thing?" Jade Duxiu looked at the bodhi old zu jade.
Jade bodhi old zu shook his head and looked into the distance with sighs. "You little boy, cherish the people in front of you. Don’t care what you do. It’s already a successor that you can leave a few heirs with so many enemies now."
Listen to the jade bodhi old zu upside down. Jade Duxiu said, "What are you trying to say, old man?"
Jade bodhi old zu shook his head and looked at the mountains in the distance. It took a while before he said, "Forget it. You are a psychopath who is too lazy to talk to you more."
"Without rhyme or reason" Jade Duxiu frowned.

Batis didn’t recognize who the sound belonged to. He drew his pistol warily. "Who are you?"

"Look at the emperor’s shutter!"
"Who are you?" Battis insisted.
"It doesn’t matter who I am, but I have very important news!"
Batis pointed his gun at the door. "Identify yourself or I’ll shoot!"
"All right, all right!" Outsiders compromised. "Batis, have you been exposed? You are exposed! "
Batis was shocked, but his horse calmed down and quietly stepped forward. Suddenly he pulled the door and pointed a gun at the forehead of the man outside the door. "Who the hell are you and what do you want?"
A cold wind came face to face, blowing Batis cold all over, but his gun arm did not move.
Batis was startled to find that the man outside the door was black and blue, as if he had been tortured.
But he can’t remember this strange picture when he recalls it carefully. He is very sure that he doesn’t know this person.
Was about to continue to ask the bug man standing outside the door suddenly revealed a somewhat strange smile and then a shot was fired. The man’s head instantly exploded and half a skull disappeared. Blood, brains and broken bones were mixed and splashed with Battis’s head and face.
Batis was able to hide behind the wall and wipe his face, and his heart instantly reached his throat.
He doesn’t know what happened, but he knows that he must be stared at. He dare not look outside, but he can clench his pistol and listen carefully.
A rush of footsteps from far to near, every step is clearly audible in the water.
Battis told himself that he clenched his gun consciously and was prepared desperately.
However, people outside stopped in the distance instead of rushing in, and then a big man shouted, "Come out, you are surrounded by us. It’s not difficult for you to shoot me!" "
Batis was afraid that outsiders could locate him by sound, and he didn’t dare to speak at all.
The man outside shouted again, "One last chance, Batis!" His voice is manic and high-pitched, and he is obviously losing patience.
Batis was so nervous that his heart shrank into a ball and almost stopped beating. "Who are you? What do you want? "
Chapter 154 Intelligence Action (2)
The voice roared, "Don’t pretend that we are from the intelligence service. Can’t you guess who we are?"
Batis’s face turned crazy, barely kept calm and quietly squatted. "No way, I didn’t do anything. You must be mistaken!"
"that’s impossible!"
"Who are you? Let Phil come to see me! "
"That’s impossible. Officer Phil won’t see you, you traitor!"
Batis clenched his teeth tightly. "Bullshit, you fucking pig. Phil dare not talk to me like that. Who the hell are you!"
"I already told you, we’re from the intelligence service. You can call me Dudley."
Batis’s heart trembled. "Don’t pretend to be the intelligence service. What do you want?"
Dudley sneered, "I must admit that you are hiding deep. You have given us a lot of hands and feet, but no matter how cunning the fox is, you can’t escape!"
Batis’s heart sank. "I don’t understand what you said. Are you crazy? How dare you frame me? Even Phil wouldn’t dare to do it! "
"Don’t struggle, Batis. We have enough evidence. Come out if you don’t want to die. We know you’re not the mastermind. We want you to surrender and join us to ensure your safety!"
Battis was completely desperate. Suddenly, he fired several shots, stretched his legs, hooked the door, rolled over, got up and flew to the corner of the house and lifted the tunnel cover.
But instead of drilling into the tunnel, he lowered the cover plate and lifted another tunnel cover plate …
The resistance army controls a large number of giant worms to dig a tunnel, which is as simple as playing. There are three tunnels leading to different directions on his roof. He lifts the cover plate of each tunnel, but none of them goes in. Instead, he deliberately leaves a trace near the cover plate, then jumps with his hands and buckles the roof beam. He shrinks over the ceiling and hides in the attic wall.
This is very risky, but Batis suspects that these three tunnels are likely to expose that drilling tunnels is more risky than hiding roofs!
He had just hidden away, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside, and a hole more than one person was blown out of the outer wall of the house. Smoke filled the room, and several insect people quickly rushed into the house and searched around with rifles, and soon determined that there was no one in the house.
At this moment, a pest-faced man came in with his bare hands. "Search for me!"
More worm people poured in and rummaged around for clues, and there were several worm people looking for tunnels.
The tunnel hasn’t been found yet. Someone has climbed into the attic. Batis’s heart is in his throat again.
The entrance to the wall is very hidden, but the worm is getting closer and closer. Batis quietly raised his pistol and regretted not taking the risk to stay here.
The building suddenly exclaimed, "Found the tunnel here!"
"Here’s one too!"
"Which one did?" Dudley asked
"There are footprints!"
"You, you and you go this way; You, you, you go this way and hurry up! "
Batis vaguely heard a burst of footsteps, and the worm man in the attic hurried away from him, relieved and slowly put his gun and arm away.
At this time, he found that this arm was too long, sour, swollen and a little shaky.
The tunnel has been found, but it can be rummaged and continued, which makes Batis very anxious-although the tunnel entrance has been disguised and temporarily deceived by the intelligence service, the tunnel exit is not far from the trace. When you arrive at the exit, you can find that when you are deceived, his situation will be even more dangerous!
Time waits for no one. Battis put his heart on the wall and quietly clamped the exit.
The attic is a mess, but no one is there!
He skidded off the wall and stood on tiptoe to the window to observe the situation outside carefully.
In front of this window, two meters away from the side of the house, there is a half-collapsed house with two walls and a narrow passage. There is no one there.
Maybe the weather is too bad, maybe Dudley is too confident, and there is no one in the street.

Even two fans asked Lin Jin to sign an autograph.

Lin Jin suddenly realized that his popularity was still acceptable.
Although the permanent audience in the live broadcast is estimated to be less than 10 thousand, the audience always comes and goes, and occasionally takes a look. If you really want to know Lin Jin, it is estimated that there are at least 300 thousand
Plus those who watch Lin Jin’s dance program, it’s normal for the audience to have some fans here.
Lin Jin went straight to the barbecue buffet door and looked back at the summer.
"Are you treating me?" Lin Jin asked him
"Of course"
There is not much money in summer, but there is still money for a buffet.
Walking into the barbecue buffet in summer, this guy probably seldom eats out and is a little dull in front of the door, but Lin Jin simply grabbed him and pulled him to a table for two.
After confirming the buffet price with the clerk, Lin Jin skipped to get raw meat, but she never ate buffet in summer. She looked at Lin Jin’s back and didn’t know what to do.
"You are responsible for the barbecue and I am responsible for it!" Lin Jin put a pile of meat on the table and cocked his head at the summer. "You don’t know how to barbecue, do you?"
"This will still be"
After all, I have lived alone for a long time in summer. Although I am not proficient in cooking, I can at least eat it. What’s worse is barbecue.
Chapter 59 55 Happy is good.
And eat and drink outside in summer, while teacher Lin’s light bulb is still sleeping in Lin Jin’s bedroom with a hard face.
After eating barbecue buffet in summer, Lin Jin and the two started to do everything on the street. Although they can eat at will after the buffet, Lin Jinshi didn’t eat too much in order to maintain her elegant image as a lady, but she did eat a lot in summer, and she could hardly walk after eating.
Wanda Linjin has visited quite a few times, but this is the first time to walk here hand in hand with people.
Because both of them are good-looking, although they are not beautiful enough to be earth-shattering, they are at the level of school beauty, so when they appeared arm in arm in wanda plaza, they attracted a lot of people’s attention.
Lin Jin hated being watched, so she simply let go of her summer hand.
In the summer, I looked at Lin Jin with some consternation. I don’t know what outsiders Lin Jin had before, so his face was so thin.
Most of wanda plaza are food and shopping stores, but there are cinemas for entertainment. Lin Jin once played in the dance machine game city.
Because summer is a poor force and Lin Jin has not been infected with the habit of filling the wardrobe with clothes for the time being, she didn’t go shopping either. First, she went to the cinema to buy two tickets and waited for the opening, and at the same time she went to the cinema building to play those arcade game.
In addition to the old king of fighters 97 arcade, this game city also has a lot of somatosensory arcade game, motorcycles, fishing and so on. Anyway, Lin Jin is not too interested in these things. Just after she arrived in the game city, she changed the game currency and switched to the dance machine directly.
Now she’s not a rookie. Although she hasn’t played the dance machine several times, her dancing level is already very good. The dance machine steps on the arrow with the rhythm and twists her body according to the classical dance method.
In the summer, this guy seems to have a soft spot for those old games, which may be the reason why he often went in and out of the arcade when he was a child. He was quite good at king of fighters, but after playing a few coins, he sat on the sofa in front of the dance machine and watched Lin Jin dance.
Although he can dance under the guidance of Lin Jin and Lin’s teacher, he is just a brain-learning. He has never studied systematically and is not familiar with the dance machine, so he can watch Lin Jin dance.
Playing the dance machine requires a lot of physical strength, but Lin Jin, after all, has already practiced her physical strength for a long time. After three consecutive songs, she also took a few breaths, and then she was confused and pulled out of this game city in summer.
"What’s the matter? I haven’t finished my game currency yet. "Lin Jin was very happy just now, but she suddenly pulled her out in the summer without knowing it, which made her a little unhappy." Anyway, there are still more than half an hour to leave the game, okay? What’s the hurry? "
My face is a little dark in summer, and my mood is not very good.
Lin Jin is not very white. What’s the matter with him? "What’s the matter?" Suddenly the face is so black? "
He glanced at Lin Jin and didn’t speak. Once again, he turned his head and let go of Lin Jin’s hand.
This guy … Lin Jin suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of watching the people eating melons while dancing.
"You’re not jealous, are you?" Lin Jin suddenly asked with a smile and poked his waist with his finger. "Really?" Really? "
Looking at the front without saying a word in summer.
"Eh, are you jealous?" Lin Jin smiled and said, "If you are jealous, you should have said so. Then I won’t play the dance machine."
"You won’t be jealous when you dance live before."
Of course, Lin Jin knows it because he may not have any good feelings for himself in the summer at that time, but it is really fun to see him jealous now.
"Are you jealous? If not, I will go back and continue to play? "
In summer, I stopped and looked at Lin Jin. "If you don’t go, you will be jealous."
Lin Jin smiled two times, and I have to say that it is really good for someone to be jealous.
Then I continued to wander around wanda plaza, and then I went directly to the cinema to wait for admission at about the same time.
Lin Jin likes to eat popcorn, and it’s also a popcorn movie, so they bought a bucket of popcorn and two cokes and waited for the opening while eating leisurely.
The cinema business here doesn’t seem to be very good, but this movie is still well attended, and the seating rate is estimated to be 70%
The two of them bought tickets a little late, so they chose the last row of seats, but there were seats in front, but it was taken for granted that the viewing effect on both sides was poor
After the admission, Lin Jin didn’t see anything as novel as she did when she first came here. When she first entered the cinema, she didn’t pay much attention to the movie. A black cat appeared inexplicably on her mobile phone. At that time, he had no idea that he had become her more than a boyfriend less than a year ago.
This was almost unimaginable a year ago.
At least at that time, she never thought that she would really be turned into a girl by a cat, let alone that she would like men.
I don’t really like it, do I
The shadow has already started. In the summer, I focused on the shadow and hugged Lin Jin, enjoying the leisure time for six days, while Lin Jin carefully peeked at the summer side face.
Even now, she is a little confused whether she likes summer or not.
It’s not that it was a moment of brain fever after she accepted her confession, but she was a little confused. She showed a good impression on summer but didn’t want to be known about herself and him.
Her attention didn’t have a shadow. wait for a while looked at the summer and was a little dazed
"What’s the matter?" Summer finally found Lin Jin distracted and turned to look at her and asked, "How do you think you are not interested in movies?"
"Ah, no," Lin Jin shook his head. "The film just started, and the plot was a bit chatty."
"Well," I nodded in the summer and then once again focused my attention on the shadow.
But Lin Jin once again turned his attention to the summer side face.
Anyway, since you have promised to come and you really have feelings about summer, don’t think so much.
Just stay together and have fun, right?
She chuckled to herself. Although she didn’t play outside for a few hours in summer today, she was really happy.
Chapter 51 56 Robbery of Teacher Selin
Playing with summer arrived at six o’clock in the evening, and Lin Jincai came home slowly.
She didn’t come back until she had dinner outside in summer. Lin Jin still has a conscience and brought a seafood noodle back to Teacher Lin by the way.
As soon as I entered the house, I saw Mr. Lin shrinking the sofa and turning on the sound, but she just shrank and played with her mobile phone without looking.
"Come back?" Miss Lin looked up and glanced at Lin Jin’s eyes, which quickly fell from Lin Jin’s cheeks to her hands, and her eyes lit up with dinner. "Oh, dear! It’s good to bring me food when you come back! "
"Seafood noodles" Lin Jin put dinner on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa, and then continued, "I gave you 25 yuan for shrimp and meat to support Alipay."
"Cut" teacher Lin’s face turned black immediately and muttered "stingy"
Lin Jin shrugged his shoulders and didn’t really ask her for money. He quickly glanced at the living room and found that although Miss Lin stayed alone for a afternoon, she didn’t do anything at home.
At least the floor is clean.

Yang You nodded and said, "Although Pyongyang is attacking, the imperial city is said to be very strong. I think it should be able to attack the imperial city in two days!" Yang You refers to the fact that Gao Jianwu did not leave the city. If Gao Jianwu just walked out of Pyongyang before Sui Jun entered Pyongyang, he would be beheaded by Hou Jun.

If that’s the case, it won’t take Sui Jun two days to wipe out Pyongyang by taking the root of Pyongyang.
"Although attacking the imperial city, it doesn’t mean that everything is fine. The real enemy is still in the north!" Du Ruhui smoothed her beard and smiled. He was also very happy that things were going well.
Yang You turned his eyes to the northern national city for a moment. The real enemy of the Sui Dynasty said that it was better to crusade against Gao Jianwu than to crusade against Goguryeo. It is more accurate to be too deep. Are you ready? Yang You thought coldly.
At this time, Hou Jun arrived here with Cheng Zhijie five miles outside the west gate of Pyongyang city half an hour earlier, waiting for the fish hook according to the instructions. Little by little, there was still no news in the past. Cheng Zhijie couldn’t help it. He hurried to Hou Jun and said, "General Hou might as well attack the city!"
"Siege?" Hou Jun looked at Cheng Zhijie, who also had a beard, and asked doubtfully, "Is this the time to attack the city?"
Cheng Zhijie said with a smile, "General Hou asked the general to wait here and said that Gao Jianwu’s fellow would come out, which proves that Koguryo root didn’t know that the army had come to Pyongyang, but it can be said that if it was prepared properly, it would be able to enter Pyongyang in one fell swoop!"
Hou Jun eyes a bright Cheng Zhijie this fellow although long five big three thick a pair of dark samples, but it looks a bit of a thing, such an analysis has some truth! Hou Jun thought about when Cheng Zhijie spoke again.
"It is better for General Hou to wait passively than to take the initiative. If you can catch Gao Jianwu halfway, it will be a great achievement for the general!" Cheng Zhijie continued to encourage.
Hou Jun was somewhat persuaded, but he had to shake his head at the thought of orders. "I’ll think about it again!" Hou Jun still refused to allow Cheng Zhijie Naidi to shake his head and lost a great opportunity!
Hou Jun waited for a moment and never heard from Gao Jianwu. He couldn’t help but send scouts to sniff out the incense. After that, the scouts rushed to "Report to General Pyongyang that it seems to be fighting!"
Hou Jun suddenly got up and killed Pyongyang? What is this? Is it because we have already entered Pyongyang? Cheng Zhijie quickly walked over and said, "General Hou’s situation is very obvious at this time. He will be willing to lead the troops into Pyongyang at the end!"
Hou Jun immediately understood Cheng Zhijie’s little thoughts when he turned his head. He was about to speak when a soldier pointed to the front and said, "General, please look!"
Hou Jun and Cheng Zhijie looked up and saw that the south of Pyongyang was full of flames and smoke. Now the situation is very obvious. Even if Sui Jun did not enter Pyongyang, Pyongyang was less in chaos.
Opportunities are fleeting, just like when you see a little white flower girl who likes her very much, you should hurry to chase her, otherwise you will regret that Mo Houjun missed an opportunity and won’t miss the second thought. He immediately ordered his brothers to attack Pyongyang! Whoever is the first to kill in Ximen will reward him with a Koguryo royal beauty! "
Sui army soldiers heard out that they quickly got up with a war horse, crossed the war horse and walked without a war horse. Five thousand soldiers rolled up the dust and ran towards Pyongyang to kill. At this time, Yang You was talking with Du Ruhui.
Because the west gate of Pyongyang city was not closed for the time being, most of the soldiers in Koguryo were frightened. It was easy for Hou Jun to enter the city. Hou Jun immediately ordered Cheng Zhijie to take 1,000 people to the north gate and cut off Gao Jianwu’s escape route. The imperial city has always been greatly influenced by the Han people in the north, and so has Koguryo. Cheng Zhijie narrowed his eyes. He intends to break into the imperial city and grab the home!
Therefore, after receiving Hou Jun’s order, he readily agreed to lead the soldiers to kill the North Equation, and everywhere he went was a mess.
Jianwu Street was in a hurry. He felt bad and decided to stop this sudden disaster relief activity. He just went home to let the children go and told his wife a few words. He hurried out before he left the house. He rushed to Jianmou and told him, "General, something is wrong!"
The sword dance looks like a clot. Are those bastards rebelling? He just thought of it here, and Jian Mou added, "A group of people have entered Pyongyang to see that their flags seem to be Sui people!"
"What?" The sword dance almost jumped up. Did the Sui people kill you? Damn it, these bastards came out of nowhere and didn’t hear the news or see the signs beforehand! These Sui Jun certainly didn’t come from land because they must have breached Liaodong City! Are they from the sea? What the hell is the navy? Don’t they all patrol the sea? Actually let the damn sui army come in from killing? !
Sword dance is very angry, but no matter how angry it is, it can’t change the fact that Sui Jun entered Pyongyang! Sword dance quickly stepped out and commanded "bring my horse quickly, I want to go to the barracks!" "
Pyongyang city guards will resist the sword dance to the end, and quickly mobilize military forces to resist Sui Jun’s attack! Jian Mou soon brought two horses, two jumping horses and running towards the barracks. In a pool of blood, his eyes were almost dripping with blood. He wanted to stop this group of murderers, but it was only two people, not this group of villains. Worse, he still had a body.
Sword dance endured tears. running all the way came to the barracks and ran out of a group of people from the other side of the street. It was Yuan Gai Su Wen! Yuan Gai Su-wen’s face is in a panic. His father asked him to stay in Pyongyang to keep an eye on Gao Jianwu, which also means that he will be the successor of Mo Li-zhi.
Yuan Gai Su-wen had a strong interest in Li and was abused by Yang You. He secretly vowed that the humiliation he had suffered at the beginning would be redoubled and returned to his place in the future. He has always bought people’s hearts, such as Liang Wanchun, a city near Lvda, Liaoning Province, and Koguryo’s 200-year-old sword family.
In addition to being born in a famous family, a talented poor man like Shifu Qiu is also the object of his wooing. Shifu Qiu’s death has aroused the suspicion of Yuan Gai Su-wen, but damn it, Gao Jianwu has to leave the city and open all the gates of Pyongyang.
Yuan Gai Su Wen came to think about opening it, even though he died strangely, but from the current situation, it seems that the second brother Yuan’s pure land is aimed at cracking down on his own forces and competing for the position of Mo Li.
But Yuan Gai Su Wen didn’t expect that it was Sui Jun who killed him! When he received the news, the whole person was in Smecta. He couldn’t figure out how Sui Jun suddenly entered Pyongyang. But he participated in the battle against Sui Jun, and he knew what color the flag was!
Isn’t it the crimson flag of Sui Jun that flutters in the middle of chaos? Yuan Gai Su-wen was shocked and reacted quickly. He wanted to rush to the military camp at once with heroic Koguryo soldiers to fight back against the Sui army and protect the capital of Koguryo, Pyongyang.
Seeing the sword dance also flying towards the barracks, Yuan Gai Su-wen galloped while riding his horse and shouted, "General Jian is in danger. You and I should join hands to fight against Sui military forces and protect Pyongyang!"
Chapter 647 Big JIU, don’t go!
When he heard Mo Li-zhi’s words in the future, he nodded his head. Although he was dissatisfied with Yuan Jia’s specialty, at this time he also paid attention to "just like this!" Sword dance big answer
Speaking, the two men galloped for seven steps and gradually approached the two men and walked side by side. Yuan Gai Su Wen added, "General Jian Sui Jun should have been prepared for the sudden killing. How about this? I led the soldiers of the battalion to fight to the death. General Jian of Pyongyang rushed to Tanshui Camp to bring troops to help!"
This is the best way. The sword dance immediately nodded and said, "Let’s do it!"
The two men glanced at each other, Yuan Gai Su-wen continued to run towards the military camp, while the sword dance was separated from the fork in the road and rode towards another road. Yuan Gai Su-wen rode to the military camp and was about to hear a loud noise. The whole camp was unexpectedly sunken and violently shaken, which made Yuan Gai Su-wen stunned in front of the huge pit. He could not understand how this happened. Most of the houses in Jukeng Depression collapsed, and the dust covered the sky.
The dusty Koguryo soldiers ran out. They kept coughing and wondered what was going on. Accompanied by coughing, many soldiers groaned. They were hit by stones, many of them were injured, and some of them were buried in the soil.
At this time, Yuan Gai Su Wen understood that Sui Jun chose this time to attack Pyongyang for a reason! Damn it, when did the Sui people dig a big hole at the bottom of the barracks? Although the soldiers suffered a lot of casualties, Yuan Gai Su-wen has come to sympathize with these poor people.
He walked quickly to the edge of the pit and shouted, "Brothers, get ready for the Sui people to kill!"
"What sui people killed?" Goguryeo soldiers looked at each other and couldn’t believe that they had just been attacked, and their minds were not stable. Unexpectedly, they told them that the Sui people were killed! Isn’t this snow and frost? All Goguryeo soldiers are stunned.
"Pack up your weapons and prepare for the fight!" Yuan Gai Su Wen said
At this time, there was a horseshoe in front. Yuan Gai Su Wen couldn’t help but look at his face. The horseshoe was in the middle. At the front was a big man with a horizontal knife in his hand. The sun shone. Yuan Gai Su Wen couldn’t help but whispered, "Hou Jun? !”
Yuan Gai Su Wen is very familiar with the red man in front of the Sui Emperor, and further says that Hou Jun is his brother-in-law. Although he doesn’t admit this, it is the truth! "Damn it!" Yuan Gai Su Wen clenched his teeth and hated Hou Jun. He took away his sister Yuan Gai Su Jiao’s innocence and humiliated the Yuan family. Yuan Gai Su Wen wanted to kill him!
Although Yuan Gai Su-wen wanted to kill Hou Jun very much, it was suspected that the mantis was blocking the car at this time! Suo Yuan Gai Su Wen wisely chose to withdraw.
"Drive!" Yuan Gai Su Wen galloped on horseback.
Hou Jun in the rear was very familiar with Yuan Gai Su Wen’s figure. When Yuan Gai Su Wen turned around, he had already seen Yuan Gai Su Wen’s twisted face. Big Uncle was leaving? Hou Jun immediately thought of this in his heart.
Hou Jun quickly opened his mouth and shouted, "Uncle Yuan Gai Su Wen, don’t go!"
"Bastard!" Yuan Gai Su-wen was furious, but he wanted to refute it, but he heard his face was very pale behind him, and he did not look back and galloped repeatedly.
"Ah deep cover Su Wen big jiu you don’t go ah don’t go! My mother, Yuan Gai Su Jiao, said she would invite you to tea! Good Chengdu Maojian tea! Manage enough! " Hou Jun opened his mouth and roared that the sound penetrated the air like a rich clock and sent it to Yuan Gai Su Wen’s ear.
The pro-soldiers around Yuan Gai Su-wen all looked at each other. What is going on? They all know that Yuan Gai Su-wen took his little sister to the Central Plains, but in the end, Yuan Gai Su-wen came back. According to Yuan Pure Land, Yuan Gai Su-wen had taken refuge in Da Sui and betrothed his little sister to a Sui general in a despicable way.
Because there is no evidence, everyone doesn’t believe this statement, including Mo Li-Zhiyuan, who knows that the two men have already torn their faces in fighting for Mo Li-Zhiyuan’s position, and they can do everything. Yuan Tai-Zhiyuan only found out that her daughter had decided to wait for a few days in order to better obtain information from the Central Plains.
This statement is also reasonable. Obuchi knows that this daughter is as ambitious as a man, and she understands it and tells Obuchi Suwen to write to her daughter to be careful.
Qinbing around Yuan Gai Su-wen knows this statement, but at this time, being chased by a campus man, Yuan Gai Su-wen was called by others, but he dared not speak, which made everyone suspicious.
"Big Uncle came to Koguryo to hunt this time. I brought my mother and your nephew. Don’t you want to meet?" Hou jun is drinking and chasing both sides closely. Chasing along the street is like cat and mouse.
"Big jiu, why are you so thin-faced? How to be a family? " Hou Jun adamant4 continue to tease.
Yuan Gai Su Wenren can’t bear to turn around and curse "Hou Jun, you despicable person who took my sister’s innocence, and I will avenge it sooner or later!" When Yuan Gai Su Wen’s words came out, his heart was more shocked than that of Qinbing. It turns out that Yuan Gai Su Jiao actually fell into the hands of Sui Jun. It seems that some of what Yuan Pure Land said is true.
"Big jiu, how could you do this? Do you remember when you knelt down in prison and begged me to spare your life? " Hou Jun continued
Yuan Gai Su Wen didn’t want to listen, but when he heard this, he couldn’t help but turn around and curse "Hou Jun, you are talking nonsense again!"
"Nonsense? Do you think you were caught by the big sui? I saw that you were pitiful, and because you recognized your master Da Sui, I let you go back to China. I didn’t expect you to abandon your oath when you returned to Koguryo! " Hou Jun face with a strange smile.
Yuan Gai Su Wen was furious that the first half of Hou Jun’s words were true and the second half was false. He was about to refute Hou Jun and asked, "Big Uncle, am I wrong?" You abandoned the oath to be cursed by the boiling water god! Cursed by Longshan Mountain God! "
Hou Jun has a certain understanding of Koguryo, knowing that boiling water is the birthplace of Koguryo, and Longshan is the burial place of the ancestor Dong Shengwang of Koguryo. Therefore, Yuan Gai Su Wen is a Koguryo, although he is not a royal family, and he is also limited by this.
Yuan Gai Su-wen felt that his horse was about to fall when he was black at the moment. He dared not talk to Hou Jun. He turned his head and concentrated on running with him. He just ran for more than 20 steps. Suddenly, a tiger appeared in front of him, and Luo Shixin fought obliquely.
Yuan Gai Su-wen was surprised that he couldn’t escape from the trap of Hou Jun and Luo Shixin, but he didn’t want to be caught. He knew that if Sui Emperor caught himself, it would be a narrow escape. Yuan Gai Su-wen gritted his teeth and whipped his horse to get out of the encirclement.
"Big jiu you don’t hard! I will definitely save you in front of you! " Hou Jun continued to yell at the back.
Luo Shixin recognized Yuan Gai Su-wen when he heard Hou Junyin’s gaze. He smiled and rode with Yuan Gai Su-wen’s wrong horse. He stretched out his long shoulders and picked Yuan Gai Su-wen’s heavy body. Qinbing around Yuan Gai Su-wen saw it and pulled out a weapon to kill Luo Shixin.
Luo Shixin’s personal soldiers are not afraid of waving a horizontal knife to kill the two sides. Luo Shixin rushed to Hou Jun on horseback and handed it to Hou Jundao with a belt of Yuan Gai Su Wen. "General Hou, this is your big uncle!"
Hou Jun nodded gravely and said, "Yes, it’s my uncle!" He took over and handed Yuan Gai Su Wen to Qinbing behind him, indicating that Yuan Gai Su Wen would be tied up.
Yuan Gai Su Wen struggled, but he was unwilling to be captured like this! It is said that the ambition is competing for the central plains, and this moment disappears.
"Big Uncle, I’m just afraid of your escape. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you. Your life is at your disposal!" Hou Jun said
Yuan Gai Su Wen was tied up and struggled for half a ring, so he gave up his efforts. Hou Jun squinted at him for a while and turned to look at Luo Shixin. "Thank you, General Luo!" He knew that this was Luo Shixin’s kindness to him.
How can we compare the contribution of catching Yuan Gai Su Wen with that of catching Gao Jianwu in Pyongyang? If he had been important, he wouldn’t have let him go. It was with this layer in mind that Luo Shixin caught Yuan Gai Su Wen and handed him over to Hou Jun.
Luo Shixin ha ha smiled. "General Hou, you and I are just getting along in harmony with the temple minister. Besides, we are brothers of the same age. Your big uncle is my big uncle and your wife is my wife … Sister-in-law will be strangers?"

The prime minister left them in the prime minister’s house after learning the purpose of their visit.

On the other side, Guo Xiangma asked someone to inform Lingyun.
Guo Xiang’s heart, Bai Lingyun’s soldiers have definitely exceeded the limit. If you don’t show off, no one will care.
But now that Zhou Yong wants to be in charge, if he wants Lingyun not to be caught, he will inform Lingyun to get ready first.
It is better to disperse the extra soldiers or hide them than to be found by Zhou Yongren.
Is Zhou Yong don’t know lingyun and Changshan countries.
Lingyun alone has taken in more than 300,000 refugees, and Changshan Guoxiang doesn’t want to see Lingyun have an accident.
What’s more, Lingyun is still Huang Pusong’s younger brother, and Huang Pusong is a person admired by Changshan Guo Xiang.
No matter for the sake of Huang Pusong or Lingyun’s achievements, Changshan Guo Xiang doesn’t want Lingyun to have an accident.
300 thousand refugees were taken in by Lingyun, which is Lingyun’s achievement, but it is also his achievements in Changshan country
Many county magistrates are jealous of Lingyun, but the satrap of other countries is jealous of his country.
Three hundred thousand refugees stay in Changshan country, and Changshan country doesn’t want to see these three hundred thousand refugees leave Changshan.
Changshan Guo Xiang treated them well for a day, and Zhou Yong sent someone to guess that Lingyun should be ready and let them go.
It is also suitable for Zhou Yong. If he asks Lingyun more questions, he will directly bypass Changshan’s national phase and let people secretly go to the real place to catch Lingyun. Lingyun is unprepared.
It’s also Zhou Yong who wants to be nice to Changshan countries. Anyway, it’s really Changshan countries’ territory. He’s going to catch Lingyun and bypass Changshan countries’ territory, and the gap will definitely rise.
Now that the Lingdi is dead, Zhou Yong’s backer is left with Zhang Rang, but Zhang Rang is an eunuch in the end. Before the Lingdi was there, his scenery is now dead, and Zhang Rang’s reliance on Dong Zhuori is not as good as before.
Dong Zhuo is not a spiritual emperor. The spiritual emperor prides himself on Zhang Rang, but not Dong Zhuo.
Although the days are not as chic as before, Zhang Rang does not regret conspiring with Dong Zhuo to kill Ling Di.
Zhang rang also knows his field from the player’s mouth.
Dong Zhuo should prepare early, and he should also prepare early.
It’s better than being killed, although it’s not as comfortable as before.
After the death of Emperor Ling, Zhou Yong didn’t get much help from Zhang Rang.
And he wants to get along in Jizhou. Although he is a state shepherd, he can also make friends with Jizhou Prefecture.
If he doesn’t want to offend Changshan, he will have to talk to Changshan first if he wants to catch Lingyun.
Because I don’t know Lingyun’s identity and Lingyun and Changshan’s national phase, Zhou Yong seems that Changshan’s national phase will definitely not obstruct it.
After all, Lingyun is a small county magistrate in the eyes of Zhou Yong.
Lingyun, after learning the news, transferred 60,000 chosen men and 30,000 new recruits from the county seat to hide outside.
Zhending county originally stipulated that it could have 50 thousand soldiers.
Lingyun recruited 10 thousand when he first came to the real time, and it had already exceeded the standard at that time
Now the number of soldiers is nearly three times the limit.
If this figure is discovered by the imperial court, Lingyun is absolutely a hundred arguments. Why are you recruiting so many soldiers in a small county town to rebel?
No one knows the exact number of soldiers except Lingyun Zhang Tong and others.
Barracks are inaccessible to ordinary people, and Lingyun will not pull all the soldiers out.
Therefore, even if Changshan countries know that Lingyun is over-drafted, Lingyun is over-subscribed by 20,000 or 30,000 people.
The Changshan countries don’t care much about it. Compared with Lingyun, it’s not a problem that the 300,000 refugees are over 20,000 to 30,000 people.
If you let him know that Lingyun has 140,000 troops in his hands and is still breaking through Changshan Kingdom to 150,000, he will also sit still.
One hundred and forty thousand troops are more than those in the hands of the satrap.
Under normal circumstances, the soldiers owned by the satrap are all 100 thousand
Of course, the number of soldiers in their hands will also exceed the limit. At present, the general satrap is a hundred thousand troops, but the real number is also between 130 thousand and 150 thousand
If a satrap or Guo Xiang learns that the forces in the hands of a county magistrate are different from his own, the satrap or Guo Xiang will definitely feel that his ass position is unstable.
If Changshan countries know that Lingyun has 140,000 soldiers in his hands, although he will not dispose of Lingyun, he will definitely let Lingyun disperse half of the soldiers.
He doesn’t care if it exceeds 30,000 yuan or 20,000 yuan, but it can’t be ignored if it exceeds * * million yuan.

Dade is depressed. He can’t help being depressed.

At a land show, he took out Yasuo, who was the best at it, and Yasuo said that he performed well every time Yasuo made a shot.
However, Lu Zhan, a metal master, finished all his skills, and Kyaso finally killed people with his soul, which made him angry to death.
This time, he took out his card but met the fisherman, which was simply to choose a hero for him.
No, it’s not just the root. It’s against him!
Even in the ranking, everyone knows that Fisherman and Morgana can restrain cards, but there are not many people who really go like this. After all, heroes have to cooperate with the array
In the professional competition, there are even fewer fishermen. Although they are not weak, they are not in the strongest single echelon. None of the five star teams will choose.
But then again, aren’t all powerful heroes finished by ban? That’s what happens when you don’t choose …
In the second level, he tried to cut the yellow card in seconds and hit the fisherman. He really got a yellow card by pressing W, but as soon as the yellow card was confirmed, the fisherman came to him.
Unlike other heroes, they don’t run back when they see the cards and yellow cards. The little fisherman goes straight ahead.
Dade threw the yellow card out on the road and the fisherman jumped on the pole.
When the yellow card flies to the fisherman, the fisherman hasn’t landed yet. The abnormal E skill makes this control worthless.
The little fisherman jumped in front of the card with a beautiful buttock. Because Lu Zhan saw the card draw, he walked forward. The distance between them was not too far. The little fisherman’s pole vault landing was harmful to the card.
The card quickly goes back and at the same time turns back to serve a universal card.
Come to Dade so close, the fisherman wants to hide from the universal card unless he flashes. Although there is a Q in the second level, the trajectory of the Dade universal card is very good. The fisherman Q is not the enemy like E. He is coming in the direction of the universal card and will be scratched by the universal card.
I didn’t expect the little fisherman to jump a Q in front of him, not a card, but a small soldier of the Korean team next to him.
"This …"
Dade language jumping card must be scratched by the universal card, but the jumping soldier is laterally displaced and just hides all three track universal cards.
Moreover, the little soldier was not far from the card, and the little fisherman made a displacement horse for him and killed him back.
Dade has already studied Lu Zhan’s style of play. The unreasonable flash of Lu Zhan ignites a wave of suppression. Everyone will be afraid that Dade will have to retreat from the edge and retreat to the defensive range of the defensive tower.
Dade is a person who has played many games and knows that no matter how strong his personal strength is, he will be suppressed. However, he was crushed by Lu Zhan in the next group match, and now he really wants to get back the game. It is hard to be depressed after playing like this.
At this time, Dade couldn’t wait for himself to be the last candidate. Wouldn’t it be nice to wait for Lu Zhan to win the singles and then choose a hero to restrain him?
He just thinks about this idea. His level is very high, but the pool of heroes is not as deep as Lu Zhan’s. Many heroes can restrain each other, but if they are not good at it, they may not be able to beat him. Without Lu Zhan’s courage and Lu Zhan’s position in the team, it is a problem for him to choose heroes who are not good at it.
Moreover, the main reason why Lu Zhan’s hero pool is deep is that he is too strong in calculation ability and comes from a mathematical background. He needs to look at his skills to know how much he hurts or how capable he is, which greatly shortens the adaptation stage to heroes.
This kind of computing ability is also a gift, which is difficult for other professional players to possess.
"I don’t believe it!"
Dade was not overwhelmed by a suppression. He knew that the fisherman’s first-level E skill, D, was twice as much as his own. A good D card may not stun the fisherman.
Moreover, just now, this wave was rubbed by the fisherman, and he didn’t lose too much blood. He turned around and attacked the fisherman, and he also hit some blood. He suffered a loss but didn’t eat too much. He wanted to take advantage of D to have another wave.
Because the card and yellow card are flying behind you, you can wait for Dade to get a yellow card and then pole vault. He is still young, and his reaction speed is fast. There is no need to predict that he will not pole vault if he cuts the card in front of the fisherman. Dade himself doesn’t believe that the land exhibition is so watery. If so, he won’t be the mvp of the group stage.
This leads to the fact that Dade can’t cheat the fisherman by cheating skills, and the pole vault can be done by card D.
After a few seconds, the card Wd turned better, Dade took a step forward and cut the card quickly.
Blue card!
Dade is even more depressed.
That’s not good about cards. The first card is a random second yellow card. Professional players can do it, but if the first card is a blue card, you have to wait for the blue, red and yellow order to pass before you can cut it.
But when he changed to a yellow card, the fisherman would have become a diagonal with him, and it would be difficult to faint again.
He wants to stun the fisherman by cutting the yellow card at a distance just enough, so that even if the fisherman walks faster, he will faint if his card is thrown out.
But now he can’t guarantee that the first card will be a yellow card, so it’s much more difficult to stun people.
In addition, because the card itself has no displacement skills, it is necessary to stay to prevent Gank, which means that Dade artists are brave enough to be so dizzy with flashes, but it is impossible not to play wild every time.
After the failure of deception skills, the card D mode is also finished
So the audience saw that the card on Twisted Fate’s head changed from blue to red and from red to yellow for a long time without making a shot, and then turned back to blue and threw it back to the soldier.
This time, Dade knew that he was a fisherman, and he had to admit that fisherman was a real card buster when both sides were strong.
But he hasn’t given up yet. He tried to predict the position of the little fish with the universal card.
Dade tried to ask a few cards of various colors to fly out of his hand, but every time he passed by the fisherman.
Dade believes that he has done a good job in anticipation, but he can’t hit the fisherman. Instead, the fisherman seized the opportunity and Q came back to fight a wave.

"It starts tonight."

In the face of JiReXi almost compulsively anxious Norman let each other mood instantly calm down.
When he saw Ji Rexi, he looked at his pupil and opened his mouth slightly as if to say something, but in the end he wriggled for two minutes and then closed again.
Is this called dumb speech?
An idea flashed through Norman’s mind, but the horse threw it aside and asked, "Did he say the specific weapon type?"
I’ve been waiting for a long time for the antidote refining to be finally implemented tonight. This sudden good news has slowed down Ji Ruoxi’s accumulation of negative emotions for a long time and eased her tone. He said, "Yes, he wants us to build three conventional cross swords, which are sharp and firm. By the way, he also made a strange request, saying that he hoped that the three cross swords would not be magic weapons, and he also asked for a machete …"
Chivard’s demand for weapons is not small and scattered, adding up to a total of twelve.
For an ordinary blacksmith, especially for all weapons, there are specific performance requirements. It is normal to make them for a period of time, but Chivard requires that these things should be completed in half a month.
Norman knows Chivard. This gentleman is not a compulsive advocate. On the contrary, he is a cautious gentleman. Since he has said this, it is probably that he has made a survey of "Hugo Master" and learned that this master made several magic weapons in one day to understand the efficiency of this master. It is not difficult for this master to know that he demands this efficiency.
This kind of secret investigation is in line with the characteristics of the personality model established by the Knights Templar for Chivard, and the specific weapons system requirements make Norman convinced that something is going on quietly.
Especially the three "conventional cross swords without magic weapons"
For knights, the same quality is naturally that magic weapons are better and more powerful than non-magic weapons, but that is to establish your mastery of your own weapons. If it is a temporary situation, magic weapons are not necessarily better than non-magic weapons
In fierce battle, your skillful fighting skills are likely to be disturbed by sudden magic effects and accidents. This magic weapon will not help you, but will become your accomplice to death. Norman, half of the knights who have experienced actual combat, is very clear.
It is obvious that the castellan mansion or Douala has outsiders in a hurry.
Lancelot’s analysis of these news is similar to Norman’s thought.
"These outsiders come in a hurry and want to do things in a hurry, so that they are not even ready for weapons."
However, his analysis is more detailed and extended. "But it can be seen from the quantity that the number of these outsiders is absolutely small and they are likely to have experienced some battles before, their weapons, Or those who have been damaged in the battle can only need new weapons, but such a small number of people can give Chivard, who has been patiently waiting for the duke, such great confidence. After synthesizing the previous information, we can see that these outsiders are the absolute elite, which can make the duke who has been patiently waiting for the duke lose patience for a short time. We can even guess that this Mr. Chivard is likely to believe that he has secured the throne of Douala at the moment. Otherwise, he will not be so eager. To what extent do these outsiders need elites to give him such strong confidence? We don’t know anything. The only thing we know is that Chivard’s performance reflects the other party’s configuration. The other party must have a mage and the identity of the behind-the-scenes ambassador of the other party must be higher than that of the Duke … "
Growing up in medieval feudal society, Chivard never thought that he revealed that he hoped the other party could help him build some weapons, so much information would be exposed.
"… he said that all the materials will come from him, and we just need to make a list for him. He will also be ready to ask us to be present at the scene and pay us handsomely according to the number of weapons."
Ji ruoxi will never know that she will remind people in front of her of so much information.
After listening to Ji Ruoxi, Norman asked, "Did he say what the reward was?"
Ji Ruoxi obediently replied, "He said it was very vague, and he could clearly hear that there would be aristocratic status and money from Jintalan afterwards."
It may be because Norman promised to start refining the antidote tonight, which made her behave like a quail. She seemed afraid that she would get angry with Norman a little, thus making the other party unwilling to refine the antidote.
"Noble? Quintaran? "
This is indeed generous enough, and it is probably the best reward that ordinary people can imagine, but it has no attraction for Norman now
He wanted to let JiReXi adopt the tactics of procrastination, and he planned to leave quickly after refining the antidote. He didn’t want to really wave his strength to help the duke build any weapons and blend them into the chaos of Douala’s duke family.
But before he could speak, the Lancelot sound came.
Can you promise?
Promise a ghost. Do they really want to get involved in this shit themselves?
However, Maranslot’s words answered his doubts. "The development of Magic Pool 2 has been basically successful. This is a very good opportunity. You can take this opportunity to ask Chivard for a lot of materials we need to practice Magic Pool 2. This will not only save our economic troubles, but also hide our information. Our ability to search for resources in a castellan’s mansion is much better than that of you alone. Some materials may be difficult for you to search personally, but it is easy for a behemoth like a castellan .."
Magic Pool 2 has been successfully developed?
Lancelot said before that it would be a long time before they developed the magic pool new Norman. I didn’t expect that they had already developed it successfully.
This also made him move.
Have tasted that sweetness of the magic pool, can he know what a powerful thing it is? If there is a magic pool beside him, he will feel more secure on his trip to the north. After all, Chen Qinghe said that he would escort Ji Ruoxi back to protect him from swimming in the north, but it is always a dragon territory and an alien territory. He feels that he still has the strength to be with him, which can make him feel at ease.
And the magic pool is the most reliable and powerful thing he can come to.
"Yes, you can promise him."
Norman agreed to come at the thought of the magic pool.
But Ji Ruoxi was dissatisfied and asked, "What about the antidote?"
Norman said, "Antidote refining will soon be needed, but it can’t be done late. There is no conflict between the two, and according to him, he should be the venue outside the city hall to build weapons for us, right?" Then just understand that it is not appropriate to put medicine refining in the duke’s mansion and put it outside together, so it is just more hidden and kill two birds with one stone. "
Ji ruoxi opens his mouth and trembles.

In the fourth month after the recruitment list was posted, the number of refugees returned to the normal range, but in the fifth month, the number of refugees really decreased again.

Now the Han dynasty can be returned to refugees, although many of them have millions of people.
But after all, it is scattered all over the country, and it is great that Lingyun can recruit all over Jizhou.
Lingyun now takes in refugees in Jizhou, and there are almost no refugees outside Jizhou.
First of all, it is difficult to get the news of recruiting refugees as soldiers outside Jizhou, and the foreign base of Jizhou has changed several times, or the words are not very clear to the audience
Second, even if the news goes outside Jizhou, they haven’t started or are ready to start when they get the news, the recruitment list has been torn off, and the news base has come.
There is still a long way to go and many refugees have given up.
They are deeply afraid that they will starve to death halfway before they get to the truth.
Not many people dare to walk so far away.
And Jizhou is just a few hundred thousand refugees. Lingyun has taken in more than 300 thousand, and there is not much left.
Other counties and cities have taken in a little more, and now the number of refugees in Jizhou is absolutely 100 thousand
Most of the remaining tens of thousands of refugees have also been there, but they are in good health
Lingyun didn’t take them in if he didn’t meet the requirements of joining the army and wouldn’t starve to death for a while.
At least 30% of the refugees in Jizhou were taken in by Lingyun.
In addition, more than 40% have been taken in by other satrap county magistrates, and less than one layer of refugees are still moving.
Lingyun taking in a large number of refugees is also a guide.
From the Yellow Scarf Rebellion to now, there are almost more than one million refugees in Jizhou.
Before Lingyun took them in, less than 200,000 of the more than one million refugees were taken in by cities all over the country.
When Lingyun took in refugees on a large scale, other county magistrates were also anxious.
They were not in a hurry before, because of the large number of refugees and the great pressure to take them in, but that doesn’t mean they are not spying on the nearly one million refugees.
However, they all move slowly and take in a few people at a time. The pressure is small and easy, and their calculations are long-term.
Where would have thought that Lingyun would suddenly take in a large number of refugees in Zhending?
At first, they didn’t think there was anything to recognize Lingyun, and even if they took it in, they couldn’t take it in much.
Where would have thought that Lingyun’s admission of refugees was six figures?
Before, even if the county took in 10 thousand refugees at a time, it was already a lot. The number of refugees taken in the county was three figures, while that in the county was four figures and five figures, but it was rare.
Before this, no one would have thought that Lingyun dared to take in 300 thousand refugees at a time.
At that time, many people thought that Lingyun’s recruitment among refugees was an extremely stupid practice.
The refugees’ physical fitness will be worse than that of ordinary people and return to married with children.
As we all know, if we recruit soldiers from refugees and do not properly arrange their families, these soldiers will never form combat effectiveness and will become the hind legs of the army.
This is why many people don’t want to recruit soldiers from refugees.
Only those rebels and rebels will be included in the refugees, because their physical quality is low, and it is difficult to lower their quality by allowing low-quality refugees to join.
The army has low quality and low fighting capacity, but the huge number can make them feel strong and can pile up the enemy.
Because I thought Lingyun was stupid, everyone thought it was a joke in the first month.
In the first month, Lingyun really didn’t collect many refugees, and it was only tens of thousands.
Then Lingyun removed the recruitment list, and many people felt that Lingyun had reached the limit and could no longer take in refugees.
But the next month, when it was learned that there were hundreds of thousands of refugees outside Zhending County, the prefects of all major counties in Jizhou were dumbfounded.
When they first heard the news, they thought it was false. After the news was proved to be true, they thought Lingyun would not last long.
However, a month has passed, and there has definitely not been any turmoil. The prefects in all parts of the country can’t sit still.
Because Lingyun is still collecting refugees, he wants to take in the whole Jizhou refugees.
How can this be? Let all the refugees be really taken in. Where are they going to find someone?
When they are also gritting their teeth, no matter how hard the pressure is, they will take those refugees in.
As a result, the number of refugees in Jizhou has dropped sharply, but in return, the pressure of local county magistrates has increased greatly, thinking about how to settle these refugees every day.
They don’t have the money as Lingyun wants to go to other places to buy food.
Fortunately, although they are trying to take in refugees, the number is far less than that of Lingyun, and an average of 10 thousand people are taken in a county.
It’s not enough for these refugees to starve to death, but it’s certain that they don’t have enough to eat every meal.
Although they can take in so many refugees, they are all jealous of Lingyun’s three hundred thousand refugees.
Some of the jealous people want to give Lingyun some trouble.
Naturally took aim at lingyun conscription.
They don’t know the specific number of Lingyun recruits, and they don’t know the actual number of soldiers now.
But they can guess and complain.
More than a dozen county magistrates in Changshan junior high school more or less know that Lingyun and Guoxiang are very good. Although they are jealous, they don’t bother Lingyun.
Want to find lingyun trouble is not in Changshan country.
Things were quickly channeled to Zhou Yong, the state animal husbandry.
In fact, it’s funny that the number of soldiers exceeds the limit. It happens in all counties. Generally speaking, no one cares.
But now it’s true that the soldiers are overstepping the channel. Zhou Yong’s ears are idle, and Zhou Yong wants to take the real knife
In the past few months, he hasn’t done anything else except initially framing Chunfenglou.
Zhou Yong wants to do something to make others think that he is a troublemaker.
But he came here as a boaster. Let him do things by himself. He doesn’t know what to do at all.
Now really set things in front of him, he will not let go.
Therefore, after learning the news, Zhou Yong was not sure whether it was true or not, so he had to let people catch Lingyun.
Zhou Yong didn’t know Lingyun, and he didn’t know that Lingyun was the emperor’s younger brother. Lingyun was an ordinary county magistrate.
When Zhou Yong learned the news, it was already the fifth month after Lingyun recruited.
At this time, Lingyun has 140,000 military forces in its hands, of which 60,000 are elite soldiers and 10,000 recruits have not finished training yet.
Chapter 35 Neglect
Zhou Yong people first arrived at Changshan Kingdom Prime Minister’s Office.

What a sweet dream this night!

141 bet
The next day after the carnival of the God clan, the spider ghost basked in it and came to this area with the new spider queen.
Kay and all the members of the species gave a grand welcome to the spider queen family.
The huge body of spiders and ghosts has made many populations feel terrible, and the habits of spiders living in the ground have also made many creatures afraid.
Spider ghost can’t speak World of Warcraft lingua franca, but Spider Queen speaks World of Warcraft lingua franca very well.
The spider queen said to Kay Yunxi Haier, "We want to join the gods, but we want to be leaders."
"But you can decide your movements at any time," Kiah answered them.
"No, we ghost basking and I want to be the leaders of the whole God clan." The spider queen answered very strongly
"I represent them!" Kay also answered very strongly.
"Then let’s talk about it." The spider queen answered quickly.
At this moment, the black tower with a black iron body and an iron pocket is like a spider ghost basking in a violent roar …
But after a short while, he was quiet again.
"What did he say?" Kay asked.
"He said that he had to join the Gods because he had been involved in the war. They, Spider, Ghost and Basking, had been enemies of the Terran, and he had to become the leader of the Gods because of him!" Nami Xiao Rui Xin Ma translated.
Kay smiled at that time. This semi-black iron rock is like a buddy who thinks he can lead everything. Kay said, "I represent myself. If you beat me, you will lead me. If you lose to me, you will be led by me."
Spider ghost basking BaoHou Nami small core way "he said! He said he would bet with you. "
"Gambling? I’m not good at gambling. "Kay answered directly.
Spider ghost basked in a violent and messy.
"all right! If I lose the bet with you, I will give you Kay, the handsome man, and you will listen to Kay, the handsome man. "Nami Xiaoruixin said as a spider ghost basking like that half a small black mountain."
Kay naturally replied, "Yes, I agree."
The spider ghost barked at the spider queen and said, "We agree! In the first game, the person who guesses the points closest to the shake-out points wins. "
Then they saw the spider ghost basking in an iron mouth bag and jumped out of a box of dice. This box of dice flew to the hands of Nami Xiaoxin with blue light, so that Nami Xiaoxin could test the authenticity of this box of dice.
Nami’s small core hands move to change a magic crystal ball, and the ball shines little by little, mapping the box of dice. Nami mistakenly checked and flew the box of dice back to the spider ghost.
The big bet is just around the corner, and everyone is very excited and nervous. Those lower creatures who can’t understand it are also holding their breath and saying nothing.
The dice just flew to the middle, and the spider ghost suddenly shot a black magic. The magic hit the dice and a box of dice shook wildly.
Everyone saw that a box of dice was basked by spiders and ghosts, and the ghost was shaken in one iron mouth bag, and the box of dice was shaken in the other iron mouth bag, and it kept rolling like crazy.
Nami Xiaorui core happily ate his own crystal grapes and looked at the box of baby dice rocking, not in a hurry or panic.
If the spider and ghost bask in a black tower, the box of dice is blue, if it flows, if it is jade-like stone, if it is lined with blue, if it flows, it is lovely, if it is reflected in blue, if it is black, if it is a god of death, tens of thousands of eyes will look at that small box of flying blue light and wait for the result.
The whole cave can finally hear the dice beating in the box.
Kay remembered that the Spider Queen clan likes to suck the essence of men, and she couldn’t help but look at that box of blue light with a little fear.
That box of blue light finally stopped in a pocket on the left of Spider Ghost Basking. Nami Xiaoxin ate a grape and said, "Where’s the magic hamster? Come and draw me how many dice there are in him."
A magic hamster came running. Nami Xiaoxin squeaked at it for a while. The little guy ran quickly. Soon a plan of magic spider ghost basking appeared in front of everyone. Everyone saw that there were hundreds of dice boxes for Nami Xiaoxin. The box was actually parked in an iron mouth bag on the right side of spider ghost basking.
This map clearly marks the points of each box of dice.
"Do you want to deny it?" Nami small core laughed.
The spider ghost basked in the wind and went berserk again.
The spider queen said, "If we lose, we lose, and we will never deny you."
Spider ghost basking frantically turned into a box of dice and came to Nami’s small core.
Nami gently rolled the dice. "Guess what time it is?"
The spider queen asked, "Are you sure, little girl?"
"Of course! Just guess. "Nami confidently looked at this box of dice in his hand.
Spider ghost bask in laughter shouted a.
The spider queen said "14 o’clock"

However, the completion of this first step of transformation has achieved Su Yonglin’s expected goal.

These troops have essentially separated from the old body of the original SHEN WOO Army and are now in the new body of the original Victory Army.
A new army in the body is an expected army.
Chapter 27 Zhao Liang’s visit
It happened in mid-February and early March, and it was over, but Yu Wei still
Su Yonglin’s powerful army-building ability and decisive killing methods have also made many people feel afraid of him, but at the same time admire him.
They witnessed Su Yonglin’s powerful force and simply killed people, leaving no mercy to the opponents.
At the same time, they also witnessed Su Yonglin’s rectification of the army and the change of military regulations and laws, which made the army’s orders clear and the provisions correct, and all kinds of problems could find corresponding solutions.
The chaotic situation was quickly straightened out, giving people the feeling that everything was different from the past and everything looked so novel and energetic.
So what they understand a little bit is that the original Victory Army has such a strong fighting capacity.
There are some things you really can’t do
You can’t do it yourself, and some people just can easily solve the problem department without paying attention.
Su Yonglin completed the army reorganization, integrated the Hebei military forces, and put their department in the first stage of his own command. The goal is to bring the training level and organization of the army, so that it can be regarded as a fighting army.
Spirit is soft power, fist is hard power, and spirit alone is not enough. It is not the pursuit of dying, but trying to make money.
In order to achieve this goal, the original regulations on the training of victorious troops have also been implemented. Whether the military workers are fighting or not, what they talk about is false.
The big training began in full swing.
In the process of this plan, Su Yonglin unexpectedly ushered in Zhao Liang’s visit.
He didn’t expect Zhao Liang to visit him.
After all, the two have always been nodding, and he can feel that Zhao Liang is alienated and indifferent to him because if there is any alert.
Of course, he is absolutely wrong about Zhao Liangyou.
It’s that Zhao Liang is relatively more rational than his Zhao family members, and doing things looks better, not as headstrong as Zhao Kaishan.
This is what Su Yonglin found out and what he thought of Zhao Liangji.
But after Zhao Lianglai came, Ji was aiming at shocking him for a whole year.
Zhao Liang personally came to talk about marriage with him.
Su Yonglin’s own marriage partner is Zhao Liang’s daughter.
"Sue general age is not small, it is time to talk about marriage. When I was married, I had a young girl who was beautiful and smart. I don’t know if Sue general can have a lover. If there is no little girl? "
For this special door, Su Yonglin, a marriage partner, felt for a while that he was here to do things, just to have fun and have fun with him.
Uncle Zhao Kaishan is an indispensable helper for Zhao Kaishan to govern his family all the year round.
You came to talk to me about marriage so close?
It doesn’t seem real.
But looking at his very serious expression, Su Yonglin felt that this thing really didn’t look like a joke.
Parents ordered matchmakers to say that marriage is definitely not a joke.
Especially people like them.
And to be honest, Su Yonglin is not a hot commodity in the marriage and love market.
These days, not to mention the halls of Dalian, the general landlords and powerful families have not shown much thought.
Occasionally, some people came to sound out and didn’t really listen, which made Su Yonglin’s marriage suddenly a little difficult, as if no one wanted it.
This somewhat embarrassed Su Yonglin’s group.
But it also made Su Yonglin feel the real political environment in which Jin Ting pressured his whole regiment, and the real attitude of the local forces in Hebei Province towards himself.
They still haven’t prepared to really take refuge in him and turn their backs on Xu Jin Guo.
Even if some families took part in the rebellion, they split up with each other. One clan rebelled with Su Yonglin, and another was obedient.
Some families simply don’t care about being neutral and don’t help anyone-or whoever wins.
That’s a real list of all kinds of people.
Su Yonglin imagined that this embarrassment would be broken by a certain iron family, but he never thought that this embarrassment was actually broken by Zhao Lianglai.
Before, he heard that Zhao Kaishan’s anti-corruption campaign turned out to be directed by his own family, and Zhao Liang was forced to resign, surrendered his strength and went home.
He thought it was a little funny at that time, but he didn’t expect Zhao Liang to appear in front of himself and talk about marriage with himself at this time.
Zhao Liang is an uncle Zhao Kaishan and an important figure in Zhao family. How did he come here to talk about his marriage?
Is it true that someone in the Zhao family already thinks that Zhao Kaishan is unreliable and wants to leave a way out for himself?